Shut Up.

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"Shut up." Shiro muttered as Keith confessed how much he loved him.

"I just can't- what?" Keith physically deflated.

"I said, shut up." Shiro repeated.


"Because, Keith. You're 17. I... I just... I don't feel the same. Okay?"

"But... Shiro, I've known you forever, it was impossible for me not to fall in love with you."

"You love the idea of loving me."

"I love you, Shiro."

"Keith. Shut the fuck up before I pull the trigger."

"Shiro, you won't, you can't."

"I can, and I will." Shiro turned the safety off.

Keith gulped.

"You don't love me, Keith, you know jackshit about me."

"I love what I do know," Keith took a step forward, "And I know so much, Shiro."

"Shut up, Keith."

"I love how your nose scrunches up when you laugh,"

"Keith." Shiro warned.

"I love how during the summer you have freckles all over your face,"

"Keith. Shut. Up."

"I love that you know how to console me,"


"I love how your eyebrows raise when you smile, I love how you sound like a kitten when you yawn,"


"I love when you tell me stories,"

"Stop it."

Keith took a step forward, now he was three feet away from Shiro.

"I love when you tell me the stories of how you got your scars."

A tear fell down Shiro's cheek.

"I love that you swaddle me when I'm sick."

"No you don't, you always tell me to stop."

"I love it when you don't stop."

"Keith, I have to do this."

"No you don't, Shiro, you are in control."

"No I'm not, Keith. Honerva, she..."

"I know, Shiro. I know."

"No you don't. You don't understand anything. You have no idea who I am."

"Neither does she."

"She knows everything."

Shiro pulled the trigger.

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