0: Escaping The Hands Of Death

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Disclaimer: I don't own Prince of Tennis and Detective Conan. They belong to their respective authors.

Author's note: This story of mine will be my first crossover fan fiction since I do admire these two anime and I can say that I am a fan of these two. I decided to write a prologue for this story so that I can explain about the enemies that the heroes and heroines will be dealing with in the latter part of the story. I'll also include a few characters here that might be the main part of the story.

UPDATE: I'm only reposting this from my FFN account so you'll still see the mistakes I made when I posted this.


After the late practice at Seigaku...

The incessant heavy rain that poured down that day had immediately become a storm. It was the worst. There was no way anyone could go home with this kind of weather condition. The rain fell harder than it ever was just minutes ago. The road now became more slippery to go on a drive at a fast speed, maybe even at a normal speed. Even to run on it would surely be dangerous.

The night fell silent from any other sound except for the hard rainfall and harsh blows of wind. It was even darker than the usual nighttime during summer. And since it was summer, it was unusual to have a heavy rainfall due to a storm for the past three days already.

But it was not the only unusual scene that night. That fateful night, unbeknownst to the others, the fate of a certain middle school freshman would turn in a way that he would never expect.

That certain freshman was none other than Echizen Ryoma, a tennis prodigy and a regular of the Seigaku Tennis Club who happened to be Nanjiroh's son.

It was already four days had passed since he noticed somebody was following him anywhere he goes. It was like they were just waiting for a chance to do something.

And it seemed that the chance they have been waiting for has already come.

Five tall men (a), dressed in black hats and long coats, were chasing Ryoma just right after his canceled practice. They were chasing him in the middle of the storm, even though the road was slippery during that time. But it seemed that it didn't matter to him, as long as he could get away from those men who were chasing him even though he has been shot twice the minute he got out of the school.

One bullet grazed his right arm and the other to his thigh.

While running away from his perpetrators, Ryoma couldn't help but think about the reason why these men were chasing after him. This was something new to him and he kept on thinking of possibilities as to why some goons would go after him like this.

'Damn! I couldn't go home with this kind of situation now. Okaa-san and Oyaji would be in danger if I go there.'

He was already running for minutes now but it seemed that he didn't even feel so tired at all even though he had already run more than fifty laps during the practice. He just hoped that the laps Tezuka kept on giving them would pay off this time.

'I need to get away from them. But how? How will I get away from these hoodlums when they can even reach me at my current speed now?' He took a glance at his back and there, he saw the five men still chasing after him but the gap was approximately fifty meters. 'I guess they never ran as much as I did,' he commented to himself as he kept on running.

He had no idea where he was now... not even the slightest idea at all. But it didn't even matter to Ryoma as long as he managed to escape from them. He could get some help afterward.

As he arrived at a bridge, he stopped running and caught his breath. It didn't matter if he was wet because of the heavy rain. But he only rested for a minute when those men already managed to catch up with him.

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