14: The Dreaded Danger

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Seishun Gakuen...

"What exactly do you want from me?" Kourin coldly asked the woman in front of her. The woman was codenamed Themis.

Themis only laughed in a sinister manner. "Well, you should know that already, princess. We need to know where you keep the Celestial Succession Ceremonial Items. If you can't provide us with the right information—" she paused and took hold of something from her inner chest pocket. She took it out and revealed a handgun, a .45 caliber pistol to be exact. "—one of your friends will be shot," Themis said, and then smirked. "I believe it was known to you and the Miyuzaki clan about the content of the bullets that our agency is using right now. I think it would be best if I remind you that this is the same gun that I used to kill your beloved mother, Rina. Of course, you already know that she was the one known as the Purple Angel of the Shinomiya clan. That night, however, she was dyed in red—with her blood at that. And the chemicals inside of these bullets were containing the same component as those that almost burned your right hand when you touched your mother's body that night."

Kourin could only widen her eyes in disbelief. Only her uncle and aunt, along with Nanasaki Hotaru, knew that since they saw her did it. 'How in the world did she know that?'

"And in addition to that, this is the same weapon I used to somehow eradicate your guardian, Miyuzaki Shouko. I think her body would start to decompose by now if she hadn't escaped my bullet and made it out of the river," Themis added.

'That can't be! That can't be!' Her mind screamed those words over and over because she couldn't make herself utter a word after hearing all of it from Themis—one of the people that destroyed her happy life with her family.

"What did you do to Shouko-san?" the girl asked as icily as she could.

'I would enjoy doing this until you couldn't stand it anymore. I would enjoy seeing you hurt and suffer in pain. Don't worry, I'll have you join your family in hell soon enough.' Themis took a few steps forward. "Even if I tell you that she's dead, you wouldn't believe it, right?"

But before she could answer, someone called out Themis.

"Oi, Themis! Why aren't you killing her? That's what the boss ordered us to do and you're in charge of bringing him that brat's head. So why aren't you doing it?" the woman with short blond hair inquired.

"You shouldn't worry, Thea," Themis answered facing Kourin with a smirk on her face. "I'll kill her after I let her suffer some more. At least, she'll know how her family suffered before they heaved their last breath. I'll let her relive that night in her mind and make her suffer once again when I kill all of the people that she treasures. I'll let those people bathe in their blood and the princess could only watch it happen in fear because she couldn't do anything to protect them. She can't protect them in the first place. Am I right, Kourin-ojousama?"

Even if Kourin was shocked at what she had heard, her face was only showing a sad look.

'She's right...' With that realization, she felt her tears streaking down her face. 'I never did anything to protect my family... my source of strength. It was the other way around. They were the ones who protected me. I just watch them lose their lives that night to save me... to protect me... to let me feel their love for me that goes even beyond their grave... I don't have such ability to protect those that I treasure the most. I am useless...'

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