18: Return Of A Lost Spirit

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Three days later, Beika Central Hospital...

Kudou Yuusaku and Kudou Yukiko walked towards the hospital room number 2612 to check out on Kourin. For the past three days, since Doctor Miyuzaki had declared the operation a success, they kept on convincing Conan to at least go home and have some rest. He happened to take care of Kourin ever since they transferred her to that room to wait for her to wake up.

But the boy didn't want to. He already missed today's school because of that decision.

He told to his homeroom teacher, Kobayashi-sensei that he would take care of Kourin until she woke up and the teacher somehow understood that. She told the boy that he should inform her and Kourin's teacher once the girl woke up from her slumber and Conan agreed.

When the couple opened the door, they saw Conan sleeping on the sofa, along with Ran. They couldn't help but sadly smile at this sight. It would appear that Ran also missed her classes because she insisted that she wanted to help Conan in taking care of Kourin.

The boy woke up as soon as the door closed. Conan noticed his parents approaching him when he opened his eyes. That was why he sat up and waited for them.

"How is she, Shin-chan?" Yukiko asked, mentioning Kourin.

The boy sadly shook his head. "Her vitals are fine and stable but unfortunately, she hadn't woken up yet. Miyuzaki-sensei came here to check her up a few hours ago."

"Is that so?"

The couple went to Kourin's bed and looked at the sleeping girl. Conan soon followed them and he sat on the bed to have a good look at his cousin.

But before Conan could say something, they heard Ran set up.

"I'm sorry. I overslept. Did something happen?" Ran suddenly said and then went near them.

Yukiko smiled at the sight of her slightly panicking "daughter-in-law". Conan could only watch her in amusement. "No, nothing happened. We just want to check out Rin-chan's condition, that's why we came here."

"Is that so?" Ran sighed in relief. "Thank goodness." Then she thought of something. "Maybe I should buy Conan-kun something to eat at the cafeteria. He hasn't eaten dinner last night so I'm sure he's hungry. I'll be going, then." Ran started walking towards the door.

"Wait, Ran-chan," Yukiko suddenly said, stopping the girl from completely walking out. Ran turned as she noticed Yuusaku approaching her.

"Is something wrong?" she innocently asked.

Yuusaku shook his head and then smiled. "Maybe you should eat first at the cafeteria before you go back here. You see, we have something to tell Conan-kun and it's kind of private. It will take just a few minutes. Will it be okay?"

Though Ran had no idea how important was that "something" that the couple was going to tell to Conan, she understood. Yuusaku also asked her to buy some things needed just in case Kourin finally woke up. After that, Ran left. When Conan looked at his parents, he saw their serious faces staring at him.

"What's the serious face, Okaa-san, Otou-san?" he curiously asked. He saw Yukiko's face turn sad from being serious. And that made him feel even more curious than he ever was a while back.

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