9: The Tennis Prince's Resolve

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Ryoma sighed as he looked outside the glass ceiling. This was the second day that he woke up at Professor Agasa's house. And he still had to sleep there for another day until the antidote that Doctor Miyuzaki and Doctor Yanai that were working on was finished.

Up until now, he couldn't sleep well because he was too worried about his family's situation.

It was a good thing that Kourin was there to ease his fears and worries, especially at night when he was having a hard time sleeping because of nightmares about the incident a week ago. It was like the girl was treated as a member of a family even though she just met him when the incident happened.

Maybe because... she knew the fear that was in his heart because of those people chasing him.

He sighed again and he noticed that Karupin kept on meowing at him. The cat then jumped to his bed and sat on his lap.

"Karupin, stop meowing. You might disturb the others. It's still early," he said to the cat in a low voice but still, the cat continued to meow.

He looked around the room and that was the only time he noticed that Kourin wasn't there.

'She wakes up early for a nine-year-old,' he thought. He decided to try moving his feet and walking. But before he could do that, he heard the door open. It was Kourin, Conan, and Haibara, along with a couple who entered.

He looked at the couple who entered along with the kids. They seem to be nice people as he saw them smile at him.

'I wonder who they are,' he could only ask himself as they approached him.

Though he wasn't used to being taken care of and someone worried about him, with this kind of situation he was in, he should get used to it. After all, it was his life that was in real danger.

He nodded and smiled faintly. Then Kourin went near the couple and faced him.

"Ryoma-niichan, I want you to meet my uncle and aunt," she said as she glanced at the couple.

"Good morning," he could only say to them.

Yukiko went near Ryoma and sat on the bed. "How are you feeling now, Echizen-kun?"

He glanced at Kourin and smiled at him. It was like assuring him that it was alright to answer the woman's question.

"I'm fine now, thanks to Rin-chan. If it wasn't for her and the others, I guess I wouldn't see myself alive. But my leg..."

"If you're still worried about that, Miyuzaki-sensei and Yanai-sensei had already finished making the antidote for you," Haibara suddenly said.

Ryoma was surprised but he managed to smile. "They did?"

Haibara nodded. "But it would only take effect after 16 hours so you should be patient in waiting for the result."

"But Haibara, isn't there supposed to be a prototype to it? What if the result wouldn't be the ones that they've studied?" Conan suddenly asked.

The girl sighed. "Miyuzaki-sensei and Yanai-sensei had gathered enough information within the one year that they've studied it. Since they're the ones who had an insight about the bullets used, they have already tested the prototypes created before to some of the volunteers. So I'm sure that they know what they're doing." Then she looked at Kourin.

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