4: Dispelling The Worries

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Kourin went to the kitchen where the light was turned on by someone. She sneaked in there and she saw Professor Agasa having a midnight snack... or maybe an early breakfast.

"Hakase, why are you down here this early?" Kourin asked the professor as she went towards the refrigerator and opened it to look for food that Ryoma could eat.

"What are you looking for?"

"I'm going to find food for Ryoma-niichan to eat. He just woke up and he said he's hungry," she said without looking at the professor.

"Eh? He's awake?" She shushed him when his voice rose because he was surprised. "So? How is he?" he whispered.

"Well, he found out that he couldn't move his feet temporarily and I said it's because of the chemicals but I managed to explain it to him." She took a bag of ham and two eggs there and she closed the refrigerator by leaning her back against its door. "Hakase, can you help me cook his food?"

Professor Agasa smiled and then stood up from his seat.

Both Kourin and the professor cooked the food. And when they were done, they took the tray of food cooked for Ryoma to the room.

But while they were trailing the stairs, Kourin became quiet that made the professor worry.

"What's wrong, Rin-kun?"

Kourin slightly shook his head. "It's nothing. But you see, I can't help thinking if we should call Ryoma-niichan's parents just to assure them he's all right."

"Well, it's actually up to him to do that. Right now, all that we can do is to help him and we need you and Shinichi to solve the case."

Kourin sighed. "I guess you're right." And then she remembered something. "Oh, right! Hakase, did Miyuzaki-sensei call about the results of the test?"

"Aah! Now that you mentioned it, she did call yesterday afternoon."

"And how did it go?" she asked quietly, but somehow, her heart began to beat fast.

"Well, she said that those were the same chemicals found in your parents and your brother's wounds during the autopsy. So it only concludes that—" he abruptly stopped talking when he realized what he was saying. "I'm sorry. I said too much."

"It's okay, hakase. I also thought of the same thing. But I'm wondering why and what are they after Ryoma-niichan to let him have the same predicament I'm facing."

This time, the professor sighed. "Whatever the case, we need to look out for him and protect him. I'm quite sure he had been through a lot. And it's obvious to know that it's not easy for him."

"You're right, hakase..."


Ryoma still tried to move his feet but to no luck. He doesn't want to show that he was confused about what's happening but it seems that this was the consequence of avoiding those guys that had put him in this predicament.

'Okaa-san... Oyaji... Nanako-san... I wonder how you're all doing without me...' And he looked out the side window.

That was when he heard the door open and Kourin entered with a small tray along with a fat man who carried a bigger tray. 'This man must be Agasa-hakase which she mentioned earlier.'

The two placed the trays on the side table. And then Kourin faced him.

"Oh, by the way, this is Agasa Hiroshi-hakase. He's the owner of this house."

Ryoma slightly smiled at the professor. "Nice to meet you. And... thank you... for taking care of me."

Professor Agasa laughed softly. "You shouldn't thank me. Rin-kun here was the one you're supposed to thank. She's the one who found you and took care of you when you were having a high fever 3 days ago."

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