Gruvia [My master commands]

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As Gray typed away on his computer, Juvia, who was waiting on the couch, watched as the clocked ticked away. Juvia's outfit was a regular maid outfit, it had a white undershirt as black tank top like pattern ran over her chest with buttons down the middle.

Her skirt was plain black with an apron. The length of it was near her thighs, as her legs were covered with thigh high black stockings with white ruffles at the end, like the short sleeves on the top part of the dress. She wore shiny black flat shows. She wore a maid headwear on her hair as her hair was in pigtails.

She fiddled with her fingers as she tried to distract herself. She glanced over at Gray, who was busy, at work, typing away at his computer. His hair was never glossed back, his cold eyes focused on the screen. His black suit complemented him very well.

Gray then notice her gaze on her. Her face panicked and she went back to fiddling with her fingers in her lap. He smirked at the blue-haired maiden as he began to finish up. He shut his computer close, making the maiden jump a little.

He walked over to her slowly. Her heart beating out of her chest as he stood right in front of her. He moved his arm away from his pocket, lifting the maidens head by her chin, to look up at him. "Time to go Juvia." He said, holding his hand out, the one he used to lift her chin up.

She looked at his hand for a moment then back to him, grabbing his hand, lifting herself up from the soft couch. As they headed slowly from his office to his bedroom, Juvia felt her heart beating. Sure, they made love before, maybe more than once.

But she wanted more. She wanted him. But he would never give it to her. As they arrived at his door he turned to her. "Juvia, would you like to come in??" She only nodded, knowing what he would do with her.

It felt one-sided sometimes. How he made her feel. It was hurtful one time, but then enjoyable the next. She was confused... Did he even love her? Or just used her for her body? She sat down on the soft black bed. She felt hopeless, in what Gray would use her for.

As she felt Gray sit next to her. As he put his leg on her thigh, she gasped at this. "So what now??" He asked, and her mind just drew blanks.

~In the Morning~

As Juvia opened her eyes she felt arms wrap around her and breathing down her neck. She looked down, noticing a shirt covering her up. She also felt her undergarments were still on. Which felt strange. He usually left her bare and with no clothes on. She was confused.

As she began to get up, an arm prevented her. She looked to see her master, arms wrapped around her. "Gray~sama" she muttered. She loved him for so long, but to do this. No. He had a wife, even if their marriage was just for their businesses, he loved her.

He could never love a hopeless romantic girl. His wife was more perfect. Her own sister. Juliana. She was more perfect, better fit and calmer than her. Yet, he keeps sleeping with Juvia and refuses to give her a child or even to sleep with her.

As a groan brought Juvia out of her thoughts to look at the ice-haired mage. His eyes opened slightly and saw her. He smiled and pulled her down, hugging her against his body. "Morning, how was your sleep Juvia??" He asked.

"Gray~sama..." She muttered. She was surprised he did this. Was he under some sort of spell or-. The door opened and she saw her sister, looking very angry at her "husband". "Well, well, well. Look what we have here. My slutty sister sleeping with my husband." She said.

"Juliana. Leave us the fuck alone, please. I'm busy" Gray said, bothered by his wife. "Gray, you shouldn't spend time with this slut. Get out of bed. Besides, I'm the better sister. Why else did our parents give you me instead of her?" Juliana said. She wasn't lying.

She was the better sister. Better at everything. She was the favorite while Juvia was behind her, in her shadow. "Does it look like I give a fuck? Get out" Gray said irritated. Juliana scoffed and left. "God, she is so damn difficult. If I did have a choice back then to choose between you two, you would be mine" He mumbled as he started to get up.

"I-I... Juvia would??" Juvia was stunned. He never really said anything like that to her. "Yes, you are so much more than her. Though... at first... it was crazy" Juvia blushed remembering giving him food with his face on it and stalking him.

"Anyway, let's get dress. We have work" He said getting up. Juvia stared at the shirtless man just in his boxers before her. "Gray~sama..." She said. She thought she was drooling over how hot he looked.

"Heh, come on" He said, reaching his hand out for her. She grabbed it as he jerked his arm, making her jump from the bed. Her feet stumbled on to the floor, while his arms wrapped themselves around her. "Heh, mine" He muttered.

Juvia felt her cheeks heat up as he said that. He quickly looked away embarrassed. "Don't... say anything... about what I said... Just then..."He asked. She silently nodded and she leaned into his chest. He couldn't help but chuckle at her.


As Juvia began to prepare their lunch for the day, she heard the sound of heels click against the hard, tile floor of the kitchen. She looked up to see, Juliana. With a disgusted look on her face. "What do you need Mrs.fullbuster??" She asked Juliana, scoffed and grabbed her wrist harshly.

"Stop acting innocent Juvia!!! Stay away, from my damn husband or I will make your life-" "JULIANA!!!" Juliana turned to see Gray staring harshly. "Let's go Juvia. We'll just get lunch from a drive-through" He said, looking at Juliana with hateful eyes.

"Gray, please... This isn't what it looks like!" She yelled, grabbing onto Gray's jacket. He roughly pulled her away. "Stay away. I don't want to hear it" He said, grabbing Juvia, leaving his wife sad and alone in the kitchen. Hating her own sister more.


As Juvia began to eat the hamburger, for her lunch, she couldn't help but stare at Gray as he argued into his phone, not bothering to touch his food at the minute. "Can you just shut up!? I don't love you!!! I don't care!!" He yelled. Juliana was insisting he began to love her even though their marriage was only for business reasons.

"Juvia??? No hell way!!! She is mine and she stays with me!!! I don't care what you say!!! Just! UGH!!! Bye Juliana!!" He hung up the phone, turning it off as he flopped down into his chair.

Juvia slowly got up and went to him, as she sat down on his desk. "Gray~sama are you okay???" She asked quietly. He groaned as she took his hand, he looked at her in the eyes and smiled, chuckling. "Damn, why did I marry the bitch???" He said.

Juvia blushed as he rested his hand on her leg. His face softened. "What is it Gray~sama-" She was stopped by his lips hitting hers. As his hands roamed Juvia's back as she's got caught in his hair. She wrapped her legs around him when he picked her up and sat her in his lap as they made out in his chair.

They stopped to breathe as he looked at Juvia. Bringing one hand to her cheek. "Juvia... Why... Why did you make me feel this way???" He asked. She was confused. "What Gray~sama???" She asked unsure what he was talking about.

"W-When we first did it... We were so drunk... Wasted..." He said. "Yes... But we-" Juvia answered but he stopped me from continuing. "Why then?? Why do you keep making me go insane?? To crave your touch??? After that night... You changed me... Before I tried to contain it... but you let it lose" He mumbled. Her looked softened as she gazed at him and grabbed his hand on her cheek.

"I guess I'm very special to Gray~sama...Gray~sama... loves me" Juvia said. His eyes met her gaze. "Yes... Love... I love you..." He mumbled as he kissed her, as their hands began to roam each other's bodies, starting to unbutton their tops, they released. "Juvia, I'm hungry. Do you mind giving me a special meal??" He growled.

"I don't mind at all Gray~sama. If we could take it, to a more private area though??" Juvia asked, her face red and with a seductive smirk. "Follow now." He said, pulling her up as they walked to his private bathroom. To say the least, they enjoyed their little meal in that small private room.


Part 2? (Lemon or not?)

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