Me vs Me

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Knock! Knock! Knock!

I loudly banged on Princess's apartment door! She had me and my girl fucked up! I knew she was here because I saw her raggedy ass car parked out front on my way up. Besides I'd already slid by her mamas crib and she said she hadn't been there in a couple days.

"Who is it?" She asked from the other side of the door

"Open the fucking door." She ain't get no whole lotta visitors here so she could cut the bullshit.

I heard the locks turn and pushed the door open with force. I grabbed Princess up by her neck and slammed her against the wall!

"The fuck is wrong with you nigga? Let me go!" She clawed at my hands and I tightened my grip.

I pulled my gat from my waistband and put it to her temple before speaking. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't blow your fucking head off right now!" I asked staring into her eyes.

"I'm carrying ya kid Spade." She answered almost begging whilst trying to look down at her protruding stomach.

I think she'd hoped that that statement would snap me out of my rage. But it didn't. Instead it fueled it just a bit more. Her baby, which I still had no clue if I was the father to or not yet, had ruined my home. It was destroying my relationship. Taking all the peace in my life and shattering it in front of my eyes! It was the reason Criss had stopped calling me Cyn. She didn't look at me the same no more and I could see it in her eyes. She still loved me, I think. But it definitely wasn't the same as before.

And for that I hated the little bastard growing inside of Princess.

"That's still yet to be determined." I sneered. "I should kill you both right here right now." I moved my gun from her temple to her stomach. She was still relatively small for her to be almost 7 months pregnant.

"Please Amir."

She called my middle name. It was the name I'd given her outside of my allies. I hated to be called Spade by anyone other than the people I was in business with. It was how I kept the two worlds separate. Spade was a ruthless nigga with no heart. Meanwhile Cyncere was smart, funny, family oriented. He was level-headed and rational with his decision making. Amir was the hoe part of me that I only showed these bitches on the street. He was loyal to no one and only had one mission: to fuck then dip!

I let her go and she fell to her dirty ass carpet frantically gasping for air. I knelt down beside her and put my index finger under her chin. She gazed up at me with tears in her eyes.

"I'm only gonna say this once so hear me clear when I say it, okay?" I stared into her eyes and spoke firmly. "Stay the fuck away from my girl. The next time you so much as think about her I'll blow ya fucking brains out! You ain't shit to me but a pest. Keep fucking with me and I will murk  ya hoe ass, ai'ight?"

I continued to search her eyes as the words of my threat sunk into her brain. She looked utterly petrified. Perfect! That's precisely what I wanted her to be.

"Anytime you even so much as think that you wanna be bold and try me, remember this exact conversation. This entire altercation and please know that I won't hesitate to stand on my word ai'ight?"

I moved her head up and down in a nod then removed my finger from under her chin. Her head dropped as I stood back up placing my gat back in my waistband.

"Oh and another thing," I added as I walked toward the door and placed my hand on the knob. "Until that baby you carrying is born don't fucking contact me. We don't have shit to communicate about. No I can't and won't meet you anywhere. No we can't fuck. I ain't got no money for ya bills none of that. Ask them other bum ass niggas you be letting hit that tired ass pussy of yours." I told her. "I want a dna test and until I get one frankly it's fuck ya."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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