Chapter 11

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As Judy walked back to her dorm thoughts of anger flooded her head. 

How could she be fooled by this lowlife?

Jennifer hustling to catch up to her in the back yelled, "Wait up !"

"What do you want now? You ruined my whole night!"- Judy

"So you're gonna act like I didn't save you from getting your heartbroken? That guy is no good, no good can come from him. Judy he told me he loved me, he even bought me a promise ring yet he still found the time of day to go cheat on me!" –Jennifer

"I know, but I haven't had a good time in so long and it just crumbled so quick before my eyes. I'm not blaming you for anything, I just wished you would have taken my feelings into consideration. We've only been going out for like two weeks now but it feels longer."-Judy

"Maybe you should law low Judy, I don't know if Brian has changed but if he has he'll make some sort of attempt to get in contact with you"-Jennifer

"I hope so, I hope he isn't like the others."-Judy

They both parted ways after, Judy to her dorm and Jennifer hers. Judy was still disgusted with Brian for those past events, if she had known before she would have not paid him any attention.

Too late for regrets now.

Brian departs from campus and doesn't know what to make of this night. "Maybe she will call me in the morning to give me a second chance or at least I hope she does" he murmured to himself. 

He tried to stay calm by convincing himself that she just needed some time alone to think things over. But calm he could not do, he raced down the highway back to his apartment to write her this letter.

"I am sorry that I hurt you. You probably hate me right not but that's the old me Judy. I can't deny the things she said because they were true but I don't feel the same anymore. I haven't, that's something I wished I never did but I can never get a do over. But is it too late for me, for us, for change. I've changed from when she knew me! Please give me the chance to show you"

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