CH.7 Father and Son

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Comrade isn't simply a word. 
Comrades are about heart. It's the unconditional trust in your partners. 
Please, feel free to lean on me... and I too, 
will lean on you as well. 

~ Mavis Vermillion

Weeks Later


I walked back from the convenience store nearby "I hope I got everything" I said looking ahead I had moved in with the kids and laxus weeks ago sylvia had came up to me asking me to move back in cause she was worried where I lived to be honest I didn't have a set place to stay I just moved from a school mates house to house man though sylvia's more than happy to have me but storms a different story he's still mad at me I guess he hasn't forgiven me yet I couldn't blame him though sylvia seems to have forgiven already maybe it's because she's more caring and understanding then storm in a way she's got that caring nature of juvia... dad stop it! geez you both act like such kids sometimes... I smiled at the memory though I'm not really at home much since I mostly stay with Natsu... Sylvia keeps bringing me back home... I sighed hearing pitter pater man is it raining down hard good thing sylvia gave me her umbrella... I kept walking down the path I spotted a ravenette crouched over a bunny walking closer I stood over them "come on Sylvia's looking for you" Storm said as the bunny cowered away "son what are you doing?" I ask he looked up "none of your business old man" storm replied I sighed "you must love your sister a lot to come out in the pouring rain without an umbrella for a bunny" I said holding the umbrella over him "so what? she's been searching for him" he said crossing his arms "you're not very good with animals maybe you should have looked for him when it isn't raining hard" I said "whatever old man" storm said I sighed "your Sylvia's bunny aren't you? are you feeling cold?" I ask as it jumped onto my lap "I guess you recognise me..." I smiled walking back home with an annoyed storm.

Laxus opened the door "where have you been?" Laxus asks moving aside I walked into the house closing the door behind me "hey Mr Fullbuster and storm" Nash greeted peeking his head from the kitchen "what are you doing here nash?" I ask placing the shopping bag down "I'm your daughter's boyfriend so obviously I'd be here" He replied confidently "fake boyfriend" storm said biting a cookie "here you are dad" Sylvia said handing me a mug hot chocolate "hey I found him and a certain someone in the rain" I said looking over at storm handing her red "red! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Sylvia said smiling patting him I looked over at storm who smiled at the sight "here's the towel" laxus said handing Sylvia a white towel "here hold red" sylvia said handing red to nash walking over to storm  "I can do it myself" storm said kneeled down onto the couch "idiot what is wrong with you? who in their right mind goes out in the pouring rain to look for a bunny? why would you do that?!" Sylvia asks rubbing the towel over his head drying it she threw on to me "both of you what made you think of standing in the pouring rain?" she placed her hand on her hips "I only did it so you'd stop searching for him" storm replied looking away "red would've come back on his own" she said crossing her arms "you sound like a worried mother" Nash said sylvia shot him a glare looking between us "honestly both of them are the same" laxus said "shut up laxus" I said sylvia sighed shaking her head.

Sylvia sat in front of me "dad I want you to stop moving from place to place" Sylvia said I sighed "sylvia you know that can't happen storms doesn't want me here" I said she stood up placing her hands on her hips "Gray Fullbuster are you telling me that just because of your son you refuse to stay in your own house?" Sylvia asks with a determined look "yeah sylvia you know as much as I do that he doesn't forgive me" I replied "you are going to be staying here weather storm like it or not he'll forgive you one day I know it" Sylvia said I nodded knowing I couldn't win against her. 

I walked outside where storm was practising his ice-make magic "damn it why's it so hard to do one spell?" Storm asks "you're doing it wrong" I replied he turned "what do you want old man?" Storm asks crossing his arms "why can't you find it in you to forgive me son? your sister already has" I ask "sylvia is just too caring so it's easy for her" He replied "NASH LUKE DRAGNEEL!!" Sylvia yelled from inside the house "haha!" Nash laughed I saw storm's fists tightening "it'd be nice if you opened up instead of bottling up that hate" I said he sighed "I hate it how she is with him" storm said I sat down on the lawn "you wanna talk about it?" I ask patting the spot next to me on the grass "just because of you mom had to suffer and ended up dying! I saw my little cry she practically starved herself! if it weren't for laxus then she'd have been as good as dead and you wouldn't have her to call your daughter! I almost lost my sister and all my sanity! do you know how it felt to not see your only family your own sister lock herself in her room isolating?! it felt like mom all over again! You don't even deserve Sylvia's kindness! in fact you don't deserve her forgiveness and gentle smile at all! you're a horrible dad! what kind of dad leaves their kids to fend for themselves?! Nash at least deserves it he has the decency to look out for her when you were stalking her!" storm yelled "sylvia was also like you when I tried to explain myself then one day I guess she understood" I said "so much that she was ready to keep me from falling into darkness in a way my own daughter was my light she reminds me a lot about your mother in some areas she's caring, kind, gentle and understanding when it comes to me and you though she's harsh when she needs to be" I smiled softly "it broke my heart knowing that Juvia wasn't in this world anymore I felt really guilty knowing I left you guys to fend for yourself I only wish to be a great father someone once told me you shouldn't let your past ruin your present we always get a chance to fix our mistakes" I looked up at the sky "Sylvia told you that? she's like that she always makes someone want to start new sylvia always makes life worth living" storm said also looking up at the sky "storm by any chance are you in love with your sister?" I asked glancing at him "yeah but I can't love her she's my sister sylvia just doesn't see me the same way she'll always see me as her older brother nothing more than that I always found myself hoping she'd see me another way not just as her brother I even hated nash when they were dating I prayed for them to break up I was being selfish and she knocked that sense into me with a simple slap then ran off into her room calling me a jerk she ended up forgiving me and I stopped seeing her that way and found someone else" storm turned towards the two hugging "though I find myself wishing she wasn't my sister when I see that warm and beautiful smile of hers I guess that was what made me fall head over heels in love with her those feelings are still there but fading still it doesn't change the fact I love my little sister one day I'll get over my love when reality slaps me in the face and shows me that my little sister still doesn't love me sylvia really was never like others girls she was her own person it made me fall so in love with her I couldn't get myself out and she unknowingly pulled me out when I told her that nash doesn't love her he never will nash is playing with her and no guy does like her by slapping me for saying that and I'm falling in that again I just wish she'd pull me out by doing something that unknowinlgy hurts such as kissing my biggest rival in front of me or something when you look at it she's just an innocent girl who has her older brother in love with her" he stood up offering me his hand "thanks dad it feels good to tell you" I smiled taking his hand "you want help with training your mind seems to be on your sister" I said he nodded.


I took sylvia's glasses as outstretched her fair hands towards them "thanks for the glasses sylv" I said running out of her bedroom "nash!" sylvia yelled running after me I laughed running down the stairs towards the kitchen "NASH LUKE DRAGNEEL!!" SHe chased after me I stopped at the kitchen window sylvia came taking her glasses out of my hands putting them she looked in my direction of sight "Nii-chan..." sylvia said I looked at her "that's so sweet..." she teared up watching them I heard everything I felt her arms wrap around my torso since she was only up to my upper arm I stumbled back a few steps hesitating to wrap my arms around my hands twitched hovering over her small feminine form she buried her face into my chest.

storms and Mr fullbusters voices still heard thanks to dragon slayer hearing "storm by any chance are you in love with your sister?" Mr Fullbuster asks that question caught my undivided attention "yeah but I can't love her she's my sister sylvia just doesn't see me the same way she'll always see me as her older brother nothing more than that" Storm replied My eyes widened he loves her storm fell for way before I even knew who she was I felt tears as I wrapped my arms around her holding sylvia closer my grip tightened as their talk progressed.

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