I refrained from using dialogue

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"Oh, sod off, dickhead" She shouted at her housemate and younger, twin brother, Jared.

"Fuck you! It's my turn on the computer." He mumbled the end, stalking out of the room.

"Sorry about that, as you were saying?" She flipped her long, light brown hair, her brown-eyed gaze returning to her computer screen containing a rather surprised boy with sickly, olive green skin and black bangs that covered his eyebrows completely. His wide-eyed expression turned into a large smirk that showed the tips of sharp teeth.

"Welcome aboard, Janet."

"My names Jaclyn-"

"Don't test me, Jessica." He slyly smirked, resting his eyes on a piece of paper next to him on the desk. "Oh and uh, we'll meet again, uhm Monday, 5:00 sharp, pm, at uh the-the-" He clicked his fingers as if bring back his memory.

"I can't I've got-"

"Plans? Cancel em'"

"I can't just cancel Uni"

"Trust me, kid, you won't need Uni, after this exceptional offer especially. Anyway, we'll meet at that Old Norms' music- shop, place, ya know? Dress casual, comfy casual, no need for formalities"

"Uh, I don't-"

"No more questions? Good. See you then." He hung up the Skype call without waiting for a response.

Well. She slowly stood from her chair. I guess I got the job. I guess I got the job! She repeated in her mind slowly realizing her dream is to be completed. If this interview- thing, went well, she would be the new keyboard player for this 'up-and-coming hit band' a new journey was starting.

The next few days were boring and she would have forgotten this if it weren't for the reminder on her phone. She made her way there earlier, remembering him say "sharp" unsure if it mattered to him or not. Finding the place on Google maps, and making it there at 4:57. As the clock ticked to 5:00, there was still no sign of that man or his green skin anywhere.

At 5:01 there was the sound of a car speeding, and it was getting closer. A black car pulled around the corner, heading straight for the shop. Jaclyn only jumped out of the way as it crashed through the shop window. Stepping out of the car was no other than:

"What the fuck, Niccals?!" She shouted.

He didn't pay attention to her only looking straight forward, laughing at something, hopefully not someone- nope. Jaclyn walked closer to see a store employee on the ground, bleeding out of his eye. In shock, Jaclyn stepped back reaching for her phone to call the police doing so through laboured breathing. When they arrived it was all sorted out, he was taken away, glancing at Jaclyn, luckily not in a despising way. (Probably because he didn't notice the phone in her hand). Still, in shock, she spoke to one of the officials who allowed her to leave.

She went back to her regular weekly routine with few bumps. Coming back one night, she found a voice message.

"Uh, Hello again, it's Murdoc Niccals- shut up- calling back to let you know that we'd like to meet again as the previous meeting didn't go too well anyway call back if your-"

It cut off. Most of Jaclyn was giving a definite no, but that small bit of her, the side that loved the danger, the adrenaline, and was in control of picking up the phone. Surprisingly he picked up after a ring and a half.

"Well, well, well, how are we?" He chuckled. He didn't wait for a response. "Now since I'm not allowed anywhere near Norm's let's meet, hmm, say, Kong studios?" He asked with an audible smirk.

"Wait what-"

"You don't know Kong studios!? He shouted overly offended. "Ah don't worry about it just look up the address, it's probably there." He sighed. "Anyway, let's meet tomorrow, you can surprise me what time. Ba-bye" He hung up. Jaclyn sighed wondering what she was getting herself into.

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