Aren't nightmares supposed to scare you?

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A/N: Yeah, this was based on a nightmare I had a while ago now when Chernobyl was peak popularity. I, of course, watched a video that proved the show's credibility right before bed and then one about how much it sucks to get radiation poisoning :) My dream was about this killer tree producing CO2 instead of ya'know O just because so some scientists were stuck in this one room watching this miniature whopping willow from HP. The least scary memorable nightmare I've ever had. Beaten by a weird hotel solely made out of edible clay and populated by zombies that work there and only attack at night, I cried because they ate my parents so I bit the one nice zombie and got out with superpowers. I was about six.

Summer jobs are the worst, the pay is less, professionals are out and risks can be everywhere. Every room has that darker corner with a history, it's why the future's curved, it has no history, not yet. I've always felt like it's hiding something, that huge Radioactive Plant down the road, next to the overgrown, yellowing paddocks. All clinical and cynical white walls, inside and out, not even the faintest shadows exist, the place glowed in the dark. Only a few people work there but no one that I knew, knew anyone who knew someone that worked there, it might be the reason they hired a high school student with limited or sketchy experience. Few people in this town like any idea of science, a majority haven't even passed high school. There have been petitions to remove the Plant but because of the certain soil it's built over can't move or bulldozed and the head of the petitions usually leave town at the halfway mark. The clouds cover this place like an old woollen blanket with tiny holes the woven threads.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2019 ⏰

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