Wait. What?

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Alas POV

We got to the park we went over the sand pit and we decided to play dares, Luke went first, "Ala truth or dare," obviously i said, "Dare," Luke now has a look of mischeif on his face, "I dare you to kiss Jai," "Ok what kind of kiss?" "With tongue," i gently pushed my lips against Jai's, i slid my tongue in the gap between his lips as i had clearly took him by suprise. I pulled away and looked at Luke, "Happy now," he nodded obviously shocked i had actually done it, "Ok, Jai truth or dare," "Dare," "Ok i dare you to give Beau a hickey," Beau then said, "I dont want a hickey," Luke just said, "Payback from when you gave me a hickey on twitcam," Jai then said, "I forfeit i am not sucking my brothers neck," "Fine whats the forfeit is it still you have to kiss Luke?" "Yh, go for it Jai," "Shut up Luke," he leaned in and kissed Luke, jaw cleanched together and then he pulled away almost imediately he then pointed at Luke,"Truth or Dare," "Truth or dare," "Truth," i turned to see Jai with a devilish look, "Do you have a crush on Steph?" Luke turned a very deep red, "Fine i like Steph okay. Beau Truth or Dare?" "Dare," "I dare you to prank call James," Beau took out his phone and it started ringing and put it on loud speaker, "Hello, James," Whos this?" Beau replied,"I am phoning to say that we have found your phone in our store," "Piss off Beau," he hung up and we all burst into piles of laughter.

Jais POV 

Once we got back to Ala's place all i could think about was the kiss. I know it was a dare but it felt like something, something good. "Hey Ala can i talk to you i second, in private," what the fuck was i doing, "Ugh, yeah sure i guess so," i followed as she left the room and into the garden, "Whats up Jai?" "Well i was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me tomorrow night seeing as its Saturday. I mean you don-" she interupted me, happiness in her eyes, "I would love too but you have to promise me if this goes horrible that we will still be best friends," "Great, of course we will always be best friends. No matter what."

Ala's POV

Wait i should probably explain that i have had a crush on Jai for a little while now but never done anything about because of anxiety and panic attacks and all that shit. Do i have a date tomorrow night. "Ala are you alright," Jai asked clearly concerned, "What? Oh yh fine," i said walking back into the living room the boys staring at us, "What?" they both instantly said, "Nothing," Luke continued, "So Jai did you," he cough looking towards me, he simply looking rather happy said, "Not now, i will talk to you later," Luke nodded. I decided to speak up and say rather awkwardly i might add, "What do yous want to do?" Beau then said, "We could watch a movie," we all agreed, i put on Expendables 2. 

Lukes POV

I wonder what that was about he seemed rather happy when they came back in. I'll text him.

Luke: So did you ask her?

Jai: I did not thats its any of your buisness

Luke: Well did she say yes?

Jai: Yh she did :D

Luke: Congrats man good luck

Jai: You too

Luke: What do you mean?

Jai: You know what i mean. With Steph. Ala said she will be here in 10 mins and i assume you are gonna ask her ;]

Luke: Wait shes coming here 

Jai: Well yh did you hear her saying shes coming

Luke: No!!!! but i guess i should ask her out and by the way Ala was staring at you a moment ago :O lolz

Jai: You should you prick im gonna stop now i really want to watch the movie

I stopped after hearing Arnold Schwarzniger saying 'I have shoes bigger than this car'.

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