Luke and the flight

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Jai's POV

"Babe wake up we're gonna have to leave for the airport soon," I heard Ala say stroking my hair. I decided to just lay there, "Jai don't bullshit me i know your awake so either get up or i will drag you. Your choice."

"Right i'm up i'm up." I said throwing ona pair of jeans and a hoodie.I could feel her staring at me. "Stop staring at me . What is it?" i said wrapping my arms round her waist and hers wrapped round my neck.

"Nothing your just hot," she said gently kissing my lips.

"For fuck sake guys its like 4 in the morning no sex," Luke said walking past covering his eyes.

"Fuck off Luke out some fucking clothes on." I said as he was only wearing boxers.

~At the Airport~

Ala's POV

"Jai wake up we have to board the plane," I said shaking him gently.

"What where are we?" he said sitting up grabbing his backpack.

"We are at the airport and have to board a plane to LA." I said taking his hand and handing our boarding passes and passports. We took our seats beside James, with Luke, Skip and Beau infront.

'Good morning ladies and gentlemen my name is Shelley and I am cabin manager for this flight 30916 and if you could please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take off. Thank you and have a nice flight.' We eventually fell asleep.

I woke up to find Jai's head on my shoulder still asleep. "Aw look at Jai sleeping on his girlfriend's shoulder. How cute is that?" Luke said making a keek.

"Luke don't you dare upload that I swear to god." I said pointing at him.

"It already has why have you not told thefans yet?"

"We haven't told them yet you prick."

"You have been together a year and still havent told the fans?"


"Why are you's arguing its like 7 in the morning?"Jai said grumpily snuggling into me deeper.

"Your dick of a brother just told your fans about us." he sat up.

"You idiot why did you do that?"

"I thought they knew."

"You would know if they knew dickhead." Jai said putting his head in his hands."I'm sorry." Luke said sitting back down."Jai just calm down they would find out eventually." I rubbed his back."I know but I don't want you to get hate," he sat back up."Jai I get hate anyway. It doesn't matter most of them are just bitches who love you guys way to much." he laughed a little, before nodding and snuggling back into me falling asleep.

--4 hours later--

"Jai. Jai wake up. We're here. Come on we have to get off now," I said shaking him slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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