Chapter Two

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Magnus was in the middle of washing up when Alec walked into the kitchen.

He was already have a bad day. First a customer tried to bribe themselves a table. Then a kid running past made him drop a pint of Coke on someone. The annoyance was endless. The last thing he needed was Alec trying to talk to him.

"Hey!" He called over to Magnus.

Ugh what does he want now? "Hi." He replied. "Whatcha up to?" Alec asked.

He knew he was washing up. It was obvious but he wanted to start some kind of conversation with Magnus. Alec has tried talking to him multiple times. Every time he's either disinterested or he simply ignores him.

"Washing up." Magnus replied pointing between the clean and dirty dishes.

"Right... so, how are you?" Alec said attempting to keep the conversation going.

"Fine." He said focusing on the dirty plate in his hand.

Why doesn't he want to talk to me? Alec had liked Magnus basically from the minute they met. He took one look at him and instantly fell in love with his broad shoulders, his beautiful brown eyes, his gorgeous caramel skin and his caring voice. That was before a few months of working together. After a while, Magnus started sounding... annoyed by his presence.

"What do you want Alec? I want to get home."

"Cat texted asking if I wanted to go out tonight for drinks with her and Ragnor and to ask if you wanted to come too."

"Sure. It'll be nice to go out with Cat and Ragnor. I haven't for a while."

"Okay then. I'll pick you up at 8. Text me your address." Alec said walking away winking.

Fuck. I have to be in a car with him?


Alec started getting ready at 7. It only takes him 15 minutes to get to Magnus' leaving him 45 minutes to sort himself out.

He got dressed, sorted his hair, grabbed his keys and wallet and headed out. He decided to wear dark blue jeans, which do great things for his ass, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket with white pumps. A simple look but he sure did look stunning.

He drove the 15 minute drive to Magnus' apartment building to see him waiting outside for him.

Magnus decided on wearing black leather trousers which really left nothing to the imagination, a red t-shirt, a dark blue, almost black, denim jacket and black pumps.

Wow! Alec thought. He couldn't stop staring.

"Pick your jaw up from the floor kid." Magnus said, snapping Alec out of his trance.

"I'm only 2 years younger" He muttered under his breath as Magnus climbed into the car.

"Where are we going exactly?" Magnus asked confused.

"I'm not sure. Cat only sent a postcode and told me to put it into my Satnav."

They finally arrived at the bar after 10 minutes of horrible awkward silence.

"Here we are. 'The Hunters Moon'. Looks cool."

As soon as Alec said the name, Magnus' head shot up and he started to internally panic.

Oh shit...

I'm gonna try to update weekly if possible but it may be difficult because I have a lot going on at the moment. I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I'm sorry for the outfits sounded terrible. I don't ah r a good fashion sense. I just wear leggings and jumpers. Comment ideas of what you might like to happen next. I really would help <3

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