Chapter Five

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I wanna say thank you for Atowncalledmalec for helping me with this chapter. Well she wrote most of it XD she's an amazing writer and you should go check out some of her works ;)
Enjoy the chapter
-Jem :3


Alec opened his eyes as soon as he recognized the smell. He slowly moved away from the body, staring at the man who lay beneath him, at his face. He was too shocked to move any more than that for a moment.

Snapping out of it, Alec sat up on the bed trying to remember last night. Everything was a blur.

Alec was staring at him as he woke up.
"Oh no. No no no no no!" Magnus shouted at Alec when he met the man's hazel eyes, eyes that he hadn't been expecting.

"Magnus..." was all that Alec could say, barely a whisper.

"How?! Why?!" Magnus continued shouting, "How could this happen?!"

"Please... Stop shouting..." Alec said. He felt like he was about to throw up. And, unfortunately, that's exactly what he did. He ran to the bathroom and leant over the toilet.

While Alec was doing his business, Magnus was in the bedroom remembering last night. He may have been drunk but being a warlock, his memory was better than a mundane's.

Magnus started remembering parts of the previous night. He remembered drinking with Camille, Charles and Alec, then the rest is a blur. He could only remember little things; getting undressed, back scratching, neck biting and Alec screaming his name.

Then it all snapped into focus for Magnus.

Charles and Camille had gotten closer and closer as the evening had worn on, pushing him to drink more, to drown his sorrows. And Alec had joined him, drink for drink, both commiserating together.

Magnus had been devastated that Charles was not only out on a date with Alec, but then had been openly flirting with Camille too, it had been too much for him to take.

Alec remembered what had happened as he swilled some mouthwash around his mouth and spat it into the sink.

Charles had spent the evening getting more and more cosy with Magnus' date. It had been a blow to realise that not only did Magnus, not like him, but Charles had been more interested in someone else. So he had gotten drunk with Magnus, both of them drinking until the early hours.

Magnus looked up when Alec came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed with him. Jumping up and snatching his boxers off of the floor, he pulled them on, putting some space between them.

They had gotten so wasted that Alec had managed to creep in and steal his attention from Charles.

I... wanted Alec last night? Magnus thought, thoroughly confused, remembering how pretty Alec had looked, how upset. The sad expression on Alec's face had made him want to be closer to Alec. Shaking his head, he tried to shake the thought off.

"What did you...? How did you do that?" Magnus asked Alec.

"Do what?" Alec asked, feeling just as confused as Magnus looked.

"I love Charles, I would never cheat on him," Magnus said.

"I didn't force you," Alec said when he heard the accusation in Magnus' voice.

Alec tried to ignore the way his insides scraped, at the admission of love and the thought that Magnus would think that he had forced himself on him.

"I didn't say that. I... Wanted you," Magnus said, thoroughly confused about why he would want Alec. He loved Charles, so much that it hurt to see him flirting with Alec and Camille.

But Charles and Camille had left together. And they had gotten drunk and stumbled back to his apartment before...

"Oh God, I cheated on Charles," Magnus gasped, his head dropping into his hands as the word, adulterer, flashed through his head.

"Are you blind? CHARLES ISN'T YOUR BOYFRIEND ANYMORE. You have to actually be with someone for you to cheat on them," Alec said, his stomach twisting from the devastation in Magnus' voice.

Alec just shook his head, staring at Magnus. It was like the guy was under some sort of 'Charles voodoo spell'. Obsessed didn't even begin to cover it.

"Get a clue, he doesn't want you, he's just stringing you along," Alec said. Maybe it was a bit harsh but he was sick of hearing about Charles. "Just give up on him, he obviously doesn't love you!"

Magnus' heart broke all over again. Alec's words weren't true, they couldn't be.

"You don't know the first thing about love, Alec. He loves me and I love him," Magnus cried. Why couldn't Alec see that? Why couldn't anybody see that?

When Magnus had met Charles after that terrible misunderstanding, Charles had cooked them a wonderful dinner. Charles had made him one of his signature cocktails and explained the whole situation to him. They were in love so why couldn't anyone understand that? Why was everyone so blind?

"I know that if Charles loved you, he wouldn't have cut you out of his life. He wouldn't have taken me on a date or taken Camille home," Alec yelled savagely, hating himself for saying it. But he was hurt so he lashed out.

Unable to think through the pain in his chest and stomach, Magnus lashed out, casting the first spell that came to mind.

"You think you know anything about love? Let's see how you feel when you lose the thing that you love the most?" Magnus asked.

And with that, Magnus' magic sparked out. The curse that had built inside, born of his grief and rage, was set.

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