Chapter Seven

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Magnus was moping around his apartment, trying to find anything to do to cure his boredom and distract him from the pain in his chest. He had gone around and cleaned. He was in the middle of vacuuming when he got a sudden pain in his back. He turned off the vacuum and decided to go sit down in bed and read. He got one of his favourite books 'A Tale of Two Cities' and sat down to read.

He was about 6 pages in when the words started to blur. 'Well I can't read if I can't see the words' he thought. He got up from his bed and decided to watch some TV. He would've gone to sleep but he didn't want to waste his day.

He put on the TV, got a snack from one of the cupboards and slouched onto the sofa. He couldn't concentrate much on what was happening in this god awful show he was watching; he was too busy thinking about Alec and what happened the night before.

He started muttering to himself about how Alec shouldn't have let him get as drunk as he did when they had work the next day. Now he had the worst hangover in history, if you could even call it that. It felt less like a hangover and more like the flu. Or what people have told him the flu felt like. He's never had it and can't possible have it now as warlocks cant get sick. He couldn't figure out what it was. All he was doing now was listening to the terrible acting on his television screen and mumbling about Alec.

He looked to his left and saw that Alec was sitting there. At first, he was confused but then he just muttered quietly "Speak of the Devil. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see how you were since you didn't show up today."

"Yeah, yeah suuure you do. It's your fault i feel like this. If your stupid ass didn't walk up to me with Charles' beautiful one, I wouldn't have drank as much as I did! You just waltz up to us as if we were besties and asked if we wanted to hang out? You know, i was perfectly fine with my date, even if she did keep trying to play footsies with me... Even so! You should've just left us alone. You know my past with Charles, thanks to Cat, and you basically rubbed it in my face that you were on a date. Well, guess what. He clearly didn't care because he left with my date so ha! Actually, now that i think about it is kind of shitty but still! We shouldn't have drunk ourselves into oblivion and we DEFINITELY shouldn't have slept together!" He ranted at Alec.

Magnus turned his head towards the window to look out at the view.

After about two minutes, he turned his head back to Alec, "And you know what else-" he cut himself off when he saw that Alec was no longer there. "Hmph! Rude." Magnus said to himself. He decided to get up and make something to eat. He tried lifting up the pile of pans so he could get the big one at the bottom, but he just couldn't. He felt so weak. He tried to conjure up a pizza but his hands kept shaking. Once he had managed to stop them, he noticed his magic wasn't working. He tried about ten times to conjure the pizza but nothing. He felt even weaker without his magic.

"Guess I'll just have to order one," he muttered. He picked up his phone and dialled the pizza place.

After ordering the food he sat back down and waited. Maybe some food will make me feel better he thought.

After 15 minutes, but what really felt like an eternity, his pizza came. He went to the door to pay the delivery guy but when he opened the door, he saw Alec... holding his pizza.

"What are you doing here? Again." Magnus asked.

"I'm here to deliver your pizza," Alec replied.

"Are you serious?" Magus scoffed

"Yeah, look its $5.95," Alec said back.

"Right... okay." Magnus said as he grabbed his wallet.

He paid Alec his money, got his pizza, closed the door and again headed over to the sofa. "Why does he keep appearing?" He muttered to himself as he opened the pizza box.

HELLO! I'm alive! I am SO sorry that it has taken so long for a new chapter. I'll be trying to write a next one but often updates are most unlikely (as you've seen. it's been 7 months :P ) I am definitely not leaving this story unfinished even if it takes 50 years (I hope it won't oof) but in the mean time I've made a lil book of poems I've written (there's only one at the moment but I've got some more written down) thanks for being patient and if you weren't I'm sure you hate me for making you wait for so long :D love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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