Chapter Six

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Alec stood there, trembling, trying to process what just happened. One minute Magnus was shouting at him about love, the next he saw blue sparks coming from Magnus' hands and a sudden force hit him. It hit him in every bone in his body but mostly, it hit him in his heart.

They stood there for a solid 10 minutes just staring at each other, trying to process what happened.

Ow Magnus though as he gripped his chest.

"What was th-" Alec started before he got cut off by Magnus grabbing his stuff and running out into the hall.

Alec slumped down onto his bed, the bed where he'd had crazy, wild revenge sex with Magnus. The fact that it had been the best sex of his life was neither here nor there, that wasn't important.

"What the fuck was that?" Alec asked thin air, trying to process what he had seen. It didn't make sense. His eyes might have told him that he had seen... Magic? But his head laughed at the ridiculous idea, hysterically.

"Of course, it wasn't magic, there's no such thing," Alec mumbled, shying away from the rediculous notion. Not in denial at all. He was obviously still wildly drunk and his brain had made the whole thing up.

One thing that Alec did know for sure, was that he had to do a shift, a long shift, with the man that he had just had wild, awesome, sex with.

It looked like today was going to be one of those horrendous train wreck days that there was just no escaping from. And he would be stuck in it with Magnus.

The fucking joys, Alec thought as he dragged himself toward the shower.


Magnus didn't care that he was in his underwear, as soon as Alec's front door was shut, he opened a portal to his apartment.

When he got there, Magnus flung himself onto his bed and simply screamed into a pillow.

Is this what heartbreak feels like? Magnus wondered, the pain in his chest an actual, visceral pain that had him clutching it. Sure, Charles had broken his heart before, a couple of times. But this was so much worse.

Magnus lay, despondent, for a long time, sniffling through his blocked up nose. A headache sprung up after while, just what he needed.

What Magnus didn't need, he realised when he glanced at the clock on his nightstand, was the shift that he would have to endure with Alec.

With a deep sigh, Magnus dragged himself out of his bed and stumbled over to his phone, ignoring the tightness in his chest and the dizzying headache that didn't seem to want to let up.

With shaking fingers, Magnus dialled Catarina's number, knowing that he was probably about to get it both barrels. He drew in a deep breath when she answered and waded in before she could get the chance.

"Catarina? I won't be in today, I've had an awful night and I can't face work," Magnus said without preamble, absentmindedly wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Heavy night?" Cat asked him from the other end of the line, her voice sounding distant to Magnus.

"You could say that. Charles was at the bar last night during my meeting with Camille. It didn't exactly go to plan," Magnus said, shaking his head when Cat replied with a tone that quite clearly said, "what did you expect?"

"Do things ever go to plan when Charles is involved? What happened?"

What happened? Magnus wondered, he had been asking himself the same thing ever since he had woken next to Alec.

Ignoring the word "Adulterer" that flashed through his head again, Magnus chose to give Catarina the watered down version. He wasn't in the mood for her "I told you so's"

"Things got out of hand when we started drinking. Charles left his date with me and left with Camille. Let's just say that I made some pretty poor life choices after they left," Magnus said. He didn't want to hear the condemnation in her voice if he explained that he had left with Charles's date and had mind-blowing revenge sex.

"I won't tell you I told you so, Magnus. Do you want me to come by? You don't sound too well."

"No, I'm fine," Magnus sniffed, yanking a tissue from the box next to the phone to wipe his nose. It had been a while since he had cried this much. It must be getting to me, he thought.

"I just need a couple of days to sort my head out. Would you cover for me at the restaurant?" Magnus asked, undoing a couple of buttons on his shirt.

"You don't have to be on your own, Magnus. Don't push me out..."

"Please, Catarina, I just need a few days to sort through it. You know I need the time to myself."

Cat sounded like she wanted to object when she replied but thankfully, she let it go. Magnus was too grateful to notice that his headache was getting worse, a dull thud in the back of his head.

"Just take care of yourself. And call me if you need the company. I'm here for you, Magnus. You don't have to go through this alone, again."

"Thank you, Catarina," Magnus whispered into the receiver. "I just need some time."

I took everything Magnus had not to burst into tears until after Cat hung up. When she did, he dropped the phone onto the sideboard and stumbled over to his bed once more.

Tears rolled down Magnus' face as he curled into a ball, ignoring the pounding of his head, the pain in his chest, his blocked, stuffy nose. The pain of being a big dirty cheater wiped all of that from his mind.

Would Charles ever forgive him?

I'm Sorry... (Malec AU)Where stories live. Discover now