Chapter Four

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I suddenly got inspiration while playing Splatoon 2. I don't understand how but I did. Just some information for this story so people don't get confused or anything. Alec isn't a virgin in this. Warlocks do get drunk. Life sucks. Please do not hate me for what is to come. Have fun reading
-Jem :}

Charles was locking up the bar when his phone started ringing.

"Hello?" Charles said.

"Charles?" Came from the phone.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Hey. It's Alec." The voice said.

"Who?" Charles asked.

"Alec. From the bar. I was with Magnus, Cat and Ragnor. I'm the one you called 'boy toy'."

"Oh! Right, yes sorry. Hey. What's up?"

"I was just calling to ask if you wanted to go out sometime?"

"Sure," Charles answered  "When?"

"Uh Friday? Hunters Moon?"

"Okay. I get a discount so they'll be nice and cheap. We don't have to spend too much money that way!" Charles said.

"Nice." Alec giggled back. What the fuck? Alec thought. I've never giggled before.

"Alec? Alec are you still there?" Said the voice over the phone.

"Uh, yeah sorry. I'll see you Friday?"

"Yup. 9pm okay? That's when I get off."

"Perfect." Alec answered.

"Perfect. See you then." Charles said before ending the call.


Alec showed up at the bar at 8:50pm. He saw Charles serving a woman. She's pretty good looking Alec thought. She had long black hair and red lipstick. She was wearing a red dress which Alec could only describe as clinging to her body. She was rather touchy feely too but he shrugged it off, some people were like that.

Charles noticed him and waved him over, giving the woman a wink before turning his attention to Alec.

"You're early." Charles said with a smirk.

"Yeah I didn't know how the traffic would be and I didn't wanna be late so..." Alec replied.

I'm Sorry... (Malec AU)Where stories live. Discover now