Finding What was Lost

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Walking through the city center Nagini witnessed a site that had become all to familiar in the past year. Slowly the elves had made there way across the country, and now they descended upon her city. Nagini's beautiful city of Arrose was plagued with rude elves and there was nothing she could do to stop them. They already had destroyed the bakery and the fruit stalls outside just because the owners decided to stand up against them. All that was left was charred ruble and ash. It saddened her and her father since they were rather found of the bakery. Particularly there strawberry bread that they saved for every month.

Suddenly Nagini and her father heard a ruckus coming from the western side of the city center. As the people started running she struggled to see the impeding danger. That's when Nagini looked to the sky and her eyes widened as she watched a reddish-brown dragon swooping straight for the city center. She didn't even have time to turn and run as the beast landed with a thunderous boom right in front of her. The dragon was so massive that Nagini looked like a mouse next to a cat. She swallowed harshly as she looked up to meet the giant beasts eyes and to her surprise it looked down and did the same to her.

As Nagini and the dragon were looking into each others eyes the elves were swarming them with there staffs at the ready. She didn't even notice them until she heard the dragons bellowing growl as a warning to them. It seemed as though the creature was acting as a guard for her as it moved forward slightly so that she was in between its two front legs and under its chest. Seeming to prove that thought even more as it stared down the elves and growled once again. Nagini started to slowly step backwards toward her father who was also trying to get to her. When she got closer to the ring of elves one reached and snatched her arm. She was startled by the sudden movement and stared angrily at him.

"What is your name?" The elven man asked.

"What?! I-its Nagini," she stated nervously.

"No you mortal fool your families name," the elven man stated frustrated.

"Why do you need to know and would you let go of me?" Nagini questioned trying to twist out of his grasp.

"Don't question me and give me an answer." He demanded squeezing her arm tighter.

Before Nagini could even begin to retort, the dragon roared and charged for the elven man holding her arm. Every solider cringed in fear and Nagini was knocked to the ground by the man as he ran for the safety of his mens staffs. The men were aiming there staffs at the dragons head as he lowered it to meet Nagini's. She could have swore she heard the beast purr as he closed his eyes and breathed her in. Seemingly on instinct Nagini copied his movements, closing her eyes and breathing him in. The moment was cut short by her father screaming for her as he feared for his daughter's safety. With the sudden distraction, the elves decided they would take the chance to try and take Nagini away from the beast. This move pissed the dragon off, and with a swift movement he lifted Nagini by the collar of her dress and threw her on his back.

One giant flap of its wings was enough to bring them 100 feet off the ground in seconds. Nagini could hardly keep track of where they were as the dragon flew through the sky. Between the clouds, over mountains, and far beyond her beautiful city. The dragon turned his head to look at Nagini, seeming to want to witness her joy of being able to touch the clouds. She looked to him and smiled. Something about the creature made her feel so comfortable and at home, which seemed so strange to her. It was as if she knew him all her life, or that he was a long lost friend.

* I'm so sorry this chapter is so short but I really wanted to wait for the next part for the dragon lands. But I hope you enjoyed the beginning. Also if you want to find the pictures I use they will all be on my pinterest under the "pictures for writing" or "People inspo" boards. My username is NovaGalaxy262.*

* The red dragon that takes Nagini.

* The red dragon that takes Nagini

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art by Carlos Herrera

* Nagini

* Nagini

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