The First Act of Pure Despair: The Infighting

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Jotaro's Point of View

Note: This Is Where Things Go......Extreme, Questions Are Available For The Characters Any Time, So Don't Worry If You Don't UnderStand, Just Ask 

I Entered The Designated Meeting Area To See People Arguing, Yet The Three People I Expected To See Stopping The Matter Weren't Doing Anything, Makoto Was Watching, Seeming Worried, But Not Acting, Ryosuke, Or Was That Is Name... Yea It Was He Was Just Standing Against The Wall Watching It All Boil Down. And The Class President, Mira The Ultimate Prosocuter Was Also Watching, Trying To Decode The Situation.

Seeing as no one would defuse the bomb before it detonated, I decided it would be stupid to wait for it to explode before stepping in. I walked over and started to notice two of them, " Hm, Asuma Kenichi And Shadow Kirigami " I Approached The Fight, Ready To Stop Time And Whoop Them If I Needed To " Now Now You Two, Calm Down "

Asuma Seemed Clearly Pissed, If It Wasn't For The Many People Here, I'm SURE He Woulda Killed The Android If he could that is Far Sooner Than I Expected, The Two Dashed At Eachother Full Speed, Reddy To Deal A Fatal Blow, I Managed To Stop Time A Few Moments Before Impact, But Even Though I Was Still Thinking, Time Speeded Up, And Who Did I See Standing Between The Two Who Were K.Oed, Yep, Ryosuke Kamekura, Somehow, He Broke My Time Stopping Ability And Resolved It, I Stopped Time Again To Test My Thought, And Yet Before I Even Was Able To Stop Time, He Was Already Behind Me " Don't Inquire Concerning Me " His Voice Was Cold And Empty, Devoid of ANY Emotion AND Soul.

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