Chapter 3

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I woke up the next day and all the events that happened yesterday came flooding back to me. I smiled.

Benny punched Phillips because he was messing with me.

I don't know Benny as well as I know the rest of the team but what I do know is that he won't let anyone mess with anyone on his team.

No matter who it is.

We were like family and we stick up for each other like family.

That's what a team is.

I rush to get ready to go to the sand lot.

Today I put on shorts and a white t-shirt tucked in it and then threw a burgundy flannel over it leaving it unbuttoned.

I put my baseball hat on backwards and my curly hair in a ponytail.

I run down stairs not bothering to eat breakfast.

I flew out the door and sprinted to the sand lot when I arrived, that boys were all standing in a huddle in the middle of the field.

I snuck up behind them and poked my head in the middle of the huddle.

They all jump and I started laughing. "So what's going on?" I ask wondering what the huddle was all about.

"Nothing." DeNunez says quickly.

"You guys aren't telling me something. What is it?" I ask.

What were they keeping from me?

"DeNunez said it was nothing so it's nothing! So just let it go!" Says Benny harshly.

He starts walking to the dugout to get his glove. I guess he's back to his old self again.

"But-" Benny cuts me off.

He turns around to face me.

"No! Stop talking and let it go! Jeez!" He yells at me and he turns back around and starts walking again.

I huff and cross my arms.


Now I'm in a bad mood.

I stop to the batters box as everyone else is talking there places.

I mutter a few things about Benny under my breath as he takes his place behind me as the catcher.

DeNunez pitches the first ball and I'm so mad that I swung the bat harder than I've ever swung in my life.

Let's just say that things didn't go to well. I hit that ball and then I hear......CRACK!

I look at Benny's bat.

It was snapped in two.

People forgot about the ball and just stared at the bat in my hand.

I was to mad at Benny to be sorry for breaking his bat.

Huh, I was to mad to even care.

So I turned to see Benny stare at his bat, outraged.

Only to make him madder, I threw one half of the bat at him and it landed at his feet.

He looks at it then he looks at me.

It was so quiet you could hear a pen drop.

"What's your problem?!?!?!"

He Yells at me.

Ok I've had enough.

I point at him with the other half of the bat.

"What you need to be asking is what's the problem with *you*!!!!!" I scream at him.

A million different expressions appear on his face as I stomp towards him. "I don't know what your problem is!!! One second your actually a normal nice person then the other second you act like a real big jerk! Do you have like split personalities or what? Because this isn't normal!!! And I'm tired of it!!!!!!!" I scream. Right in his face! But he isn't looking at me. That makes me even more mad. "Look at me!" I yell. And his eyes flicker to me for a second but then they look back behind me. I keep looking at him until he pays attention to me but he never does. Uurrggg. What's his problem? "Looks like you two aren't having a very fun conversation." Says a familiar voice behind me I groan as a turn around and see Phillips with his group of friends. They were all on bikes. Benny walks away from me, over to Phillips. "Man, I thought you learned your lesson yesterday when you got your butt kicked," Said Benny in a very scary voice. Phillips gets off his bike and walks up to Benny. The rest of my team runs over to stand next to Benny. I stay where I'm standing, all the way at the home plate. "I want a rematch, Rodriguez." Phillips starts. "I'm gonna to kick your butt this time. And when I win... she," he says pointing to me." Comes with me and plays on my team. I saw what she did to that bat. We need another good player on our team." He explains. Benny's face remains expressionless. DeNunez speaks up. "And if you lose and Benny wins..what happens there??" "Then she stays and plays with your sorry team." He says. "But that's not gonna happen." He puts out his hand for Benny to shake it so it's an official deal. Benny thinks for a moment. "Don't do it Benny man." Says Ham. All the other boys agree with ham except for DeNunez. He looked at Benny and nodded his head. Benny glanced at me and then he shook Phillips's hand.  The boys all back up and I move up so that I'm standing right next to them. Benny takes of his hat and hands it to me. Phillips does the same but he hands his hat to one of his teammates. Phillips throws the first punch but Benny doges it. Then he punches Phillips and Phillips falls to the ground. Benny's on top of him now and. He's continuously punching him in the face. Phillips is able to get one good punch in and Benny's nose starts bleeding but he still continues to punch Phillips. Phillips is bleeding like crazy and blood is pouring out of Benny's nose. I thought that Benny was going to stop now but he didn't. That was it. Benny was going to kill him if he didn't stop! I ran over to Benny and tried to pull him off but he kept punching. All the boys were yelling behind me."Benny!! Benny!! Stop! Your gonna kill him! Get off!! BENNY!!" Im finally able to pull him off of Phillips and I have to hold him back as Phillips stands up and stagers to his bike. "Yeah!! Don't you ever come back you salty, cut up, raw, piece of chicken!!" Benny yells as Phillips rides away. I can't help but smile at the insult. It was so childish. All the boys rush up to Benny and all talk at once. "Benny you all most killed him!!" Says Timmy. "Almost killed him." Repeated Tommy. "Yeah that was Scary Benny man!!" Says    Bertram. All the boys nodded their heads in agreement. DeNunez just stood there smiling and shaking his head. "Yeah yeah, if Sam wouldn't have pulled you off him, he'd be dead and you'd be in jail!" Yeah-Yeah exclaimed. Benny nodded his head and wiped his nose and blood got all over his sleeve. Ewww, said all the boys and they all took a step back. Blood was pouring out of Benny's nose. It was like a water fall. I shivered. "Ooo my nose!" He said in pain. I rip of one of my sleeves and bunch it up in a ball and then I held it up to his nose. The sleeve got really bloody quickly. I got some blood on my hands but I didn't really care. I held it there for a few moments unsure of what else to do. The boys just stand there for a second watching me fix Benny's nose. Benny's eyes were on me the whole time. "So.... does anyone know what else to do to fix his nose?" I ask everyone. They all shake their heads. "But I do know what we should do after his nose stops bleeding," Smalls Starts. "Dude." Says DeNunez, elbowing Smalls. "We're focusing on the real problem here right now. Don't you care about Benny's nose?" He asks jokingly. "Well...." Said Smalls. A joking sad expression came across Benny's face and he looked down. "Ouch, that hurt." He said. I laughed. After a while the bleeding stopped and we all decided to have a camp out in the tree house that night.

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