^up there is Mackenzie by the way Chapter 5

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The next morning, I wake up and look around. No one else is in the tree house. I look out the tree house window and see that the boys are all down on the grass eating sandwiches. I get dress putting on black leggings and a sweatshirt. I put my hair in a really high messy bun. I climb down the ladder and walk towards the boys. Ham sees me first.
"Morning sleeping beauty!" He calls out to me.
"Oh shut up." I glare at him. I glance at Benny and then look down at the sandwiches. I sit down and pull one out of bag. "Who brought these?" I say, biting into one.
"I did," Said Smalls. I nod while chewing. "So what are we gonna do today?" I ask. They all shrug.
"Well you guys are really helpful." I mutter. I look up to see that the boys were looking at something behind me. I turn to see what it was and I see a girl walking towards us. She had really long wavy blonde hair. She looked like an angle. I already didn't like her. She was wearing light blue, high waist, skinny jeans and and a short black long sleeve shirt. As she approached us, I leaned over to Benny.
"Who is she?" I ask him. He didn't answer me. No one did. I frown and we all stand up. The girl stood in front of us.
"Helloooooo Mackenzie" says Ham.
"Hey what's up guys." She says. "So can I hang with you guys today?" I was about to say no when Bertram spoke up.
"Of course. Anytime." He says. Uurgg. Why? Mackenzie smiles.
"Well what are we going to do?" She asks. Benny steps up.
"We could go to the fair. I heard it just opened today." He says. Mackenzie smiles even wider.
"That a great idea, Benny boo," she says and winks at him. She grabs him by the arm and they start walking. Woah, Benny Boo?!
"Come on guys! What are you waiting for?" She laughs. All the boys come to their senses and run to catch up with them. I stay where I am as I watch them all walk away. And get this, they didn't even notice. I don't think they even cared. And why was she holding Benny's hand while they were walking?! Who was this girl why was she stealing all of my friends??
Later that day I did decide to go catch up with them and join them at the fair. I was so confused the whole time. this Mackenzie girl just showed up out of nowhere and acted like she owned the place. This girl was getting on my nerves. And it didn't help that she and Benny went on every ride together. It's not like I like him or anything.....I just don't understand it.
I decide to ask Benny about it when Mackenzie went to the bathroom. Benny was waiting outside of the bathroom when I approached him.
"Hey." I say stuffing my hands in my pockets. "What up?" He replies.
"Mmm nothin much." I say. Though there's a lot of stuff going on. He looks down at me and grins.
"You sure?" He asks probably not convinced. "Uhhh.. actually, I wanted to ask about Mackenzie." I start. His eyebrows raise. "Yeah?"
"Yeah. So who is she exactly? She comes up and all the boys seem like there in a trance. Then you two are all of a sudden acting like your best friends or something." I said. Benny smiles.
"What, are you jealous?" He smirks.
"No!" I say outraged. "I'm just confused!" He crosses his arms.
"Yeah sure right. Well Mackenzie is just a girl who comes and hangs out with us sometimes. We're friends with her but all the boys have a crush on her. It's funny actually. They'll do what ever she says. She pretty awesome actually. You'll like her if you actually talk to her." I stare at him, dumb struck. He thinks she's amazing? Wow. Ok then.
"Doubt it." I mutter but he still hears me. He frowns.
"Jeez. You didn't even give her a chance. Stop being so mean!" He says unhappy. I cross my arms and look behind him. Mackenzie was approaching us. I look back at Benny. He sees Mackenzie too and turns back to me.
"I'm gonna go." I say and Benny rolls his eyes and turns to face Mackenzie. I spin on my heels and storm away.
I spent the rest of the time at the fair by myself. DeNunez came once to talk to me but it was only like two minutes. Then he went to go on some ride with the guys and Mackenzie and he never came back. I sat there at a bench doing nothing. I thought that the boys would come get me when they leave but then, I saw them all exiting the fair with Mackenzie. Benny's arm was around her shoulders as they walked. They looked like best friends or even more. And they all forgot about me. I sat there for a few minutes after they left, thinking about how the boys left me. I felt betrayed. So I got myself up and trudged home.
The next day I didn't go to the sandlot. And none of the boys showed up at my house to get me. They were probably hanging out with Mackenzie. For the next week I haven't been to the sandlot. I haven't talked to any of the boys either. Not even DeNunez. Especially not Benny. I've seen him in town though. Once at some restaurant with Mackenzie and once at the bowling alley with DeNunez and guess who else......Mackenzie! What a surprise.
     One day I finally decide to go to the sandlot. I put on high waist shorts and a navy blue tank top with an unbuttoned white flannel over it. I walk cautiously to the sandlot field. The boys were playing a game and Mackenzie was bating. I walk over to the dugout. And watch the game. The boys still didn't notice me. Mackenzie hit the ball and made it safely to second. The boys cheered. Wow she made it to second that's such a big deal, I thought. The boys all took a break and headed towards the dugout. That's when they noticed me. I stand up.
    "Hey guys." I wave a little. Their faces lit up. "Sam!" They all yelled and ran towards me. I was engulfed in hugs. Everyone except Benny was hugging me. He was talking with Mackenzie.
     "Bro, we thought you were like dead or something," says DeNunez.
    "Well why didn't you just come get me." I ask.
    "Well I don't know maybe you were mad and we didn't want to upset you more." He explained. I laugh.
    "Why would I be mad?" I ask even though I was mad and I knew why. They shrugged though I could tell that they knew why I would be mad too.
    "We're just glad that your back." Says Smalls. Really? Because it looked like they were just fine with replacing me with Mackenzie. Benny finally walks over to us.
   "Kenzie said that she had to leave." He explained. Kenzie?! Now he had a nickname for her. I roll my eyes and push past him to the batters box. I quickly recover from my eye rolling bad mood and pick up the bat.
    "Come on guys, let's play some ball." The boys acted like nothing happened and they all ran to their spots. Except for Benny he stood there looking at me with a hurt look on his face. I ignored him as he walked up behind me to take his place as catcher. I could still feel him staring at me. Still, I ignored him. DeNunez pitched and I hit the ball and made it to third. We played for a few hours until it started to get dark and we decided to leave. When everyone walked out, I feel a hand grab my arm pulling be back.
    It was Benny. I looked at him with a bored expression.
   "What do you want? Hurry up cause I have to go home and eat." I say crossing my arms. He scratches the back of his neck.
   "Well today you seemed kinda mad at me and I don't know why." He says. He looks sad.
    "You don't know why?!" I scoff. "Oh I'll tell ya why. First you guys go and leave me at the fair last week cause you were all to busy paying attention to your goddess, Mackenzie. Than none of you even bother to talk to me after that. It's like you replaced me with that girl! It's like you guys threw me in the trash when you found something new! Something better! And then you all act like she's just the most amazing person you've ever met! I felt betrayed! I was left behind all alone! And all you cared about was that perfect angel of yours!!" I yell. I didn't mean to get so mad but I've been keeping it all in for a week and now I'm finally given the chance to say how I feel. And I go all out.
    First, Benny's expression looked like he was sorry, like he regretted everything. Then his face went sour.
    "Sounds like jealousy to me!" He spat. "You've had an attitude all day and I'm sick and tired of it! You know, when you weren't here, everything and everyone was calm and it felt like there was not a thing in the world that could ruin that feeling! Then you come back with that bad attitude of yours and the world gets glumly again!" Every word was like a stab in the heart. This can't be true. The boys were my friends. They looked happy when ever I saw them. They like having me around. Right? This only makes me scorching mad.
   "That-that's not true. It can't be. No one feels like that but you!" Benny shakes his head. "How would you know? You haven't showed up in a week. So how would you know anything, you selfish brat!!" That's when I couldn't take it anymore. I slapped him and pushed him so he fell on the ground. His eyes never left mine the whole time. He stared at me in total shock. He had a hurt look on his face. "Your the biggest jerk on this planet. And I never want to see you again!" I snarl. He still looks at me in disbelief. I spin around and sprint away. I hear him call my name once but I don't stop running. I storm in the house straight to my room. I fall on the bed and I feel tears of anger and sadness fall on my face. I messed up. Really bad.

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