Chapter 8

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    The next morning I slept in late but I didn't know it. How dumb am I?
    I trudged down stairs still in my plaid pajama pants and white t-shirt. My hair was down in a mess. It was sticking up all over the place.
    As soon as I'm down stairs I hear a knock at the door. Oh no. I can't answer it looking like this! But I have no choice. I answer the door to Benny.
    My eyes go wide and my face turns red. He just laughs. "Your not planning on goin to the sandlot like that are you?" He chuckles. I can't speak so I just shake my head really fast. He smiles.
   "Well now you are cause we ain't got all day. We've been waiting for you for hours." He says and with that, he scoops me up and throws me over his shoulder.
    I'm taken aback a little bit but then I realize that he was carrying me. I was upside down and he was taking me to the sandlot. Oh no! "Benny Benny put me down!" I yell, pounding my fists on his back.
     "It's not funny! I look terrible!" I yell. Now I'm kicking and screaming like a baby. "You look fine now shut up before people think I'm kidnapping you." He laughs.
    "It's not funny! You are kidnapping me!" I complain. He doesn't understand that I'm serious. We enter and all the boys spin around hearing me scream. Finally, when we're at the dugout, he drops me and I land on my butt. Benny is laughing.
    I slam my fist into the ground and dirt flies everywhere. I know I must look like a mad woman because I'm in my pajamas, my curly hair is sticking up all over the place, and I was screaming my head off at Benny. I stood up and brushed the dirt off my pants. The boys were all laughing cause I probably looked like a clown.
     Well Everyone except DeNunez. I don't know what his problem was lately. I mean he still talks to me but he acts Funny. I stand there awkward. I feel so self-conscious right now. My face was burning up. "Come on guys let's play." Says benny and he hands me a glove. He takes off his hat and puts it on my head.
    "Wait I can't play like this." I said. "Yeah ya can." Says benny. I shake my head.
     "No I'm in my pajamas." I say. "Look it's doesn't make a difference." He pushes the his hat, that's on my head, down so that it covers my face.
    "Now come on and stop your complaining." He says and heads out towards the field. I push the hat back up and huff.
    "Hey it's fine. I'll come with you if you wanna go back your house and change." Says DeNunez, walking towards me. I smile at him.
    "Sure" I said. I turn towards Benny who's on the field talking to yeah yeah. "Hey Benny, I'm gonna go home and change and DeNunez is coming with me!" I tell him. He glances at DeNunez for a second and hesitates. "Uh-umm Yeah be quick." He says.
    Me and DeNunez walk to my house and once we arrived, I swung open the door. My parents were at work already.
   I went up Stairs and told DeNunez to wait outside my room until I'm done changing. When I'm done I open the door and DeNunez is standing there. This is the right time to ask him about what's going on.
   "Hey DeNunez, you've been acting strange for the last couple of days. What's that all about?" I say. He looks down.
   "Nothing." He said quickly.
    "Hmm." Is all I say and walk past him to walk down the stairs. He trails behind me. We walk in silence for the rest of the walk back to the sandlot. We arrive and the boys are waiting for us on the field. Benny crosses his arms.
    "What took y'all so long??" He asks. "We've been waiting for hours." He complains. I roll my eyes. "It wasn't hours you dork. It was ten minutes!" I say and grab my stuff off the bench. "Yeah 10 minutes too long!"
He calls out. I roll my eyes and run to my spot in the out field. We play for a few hours. When we decide to go home Benny all of a sudden grabs me by the waist and kisses me.
     Wow what was that?! I look at Benny. "What Samantha?? You know, that was long overdue." He says. "Ha. I hate you Rodriguez." I laugh. "And I'm in love with you Samantha Walker," he mumbles and kisses me on the cheek. My cheeks turn red and with that we walked off the field hand in hand.

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