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Helloooo again everyone! I just wanted to put out there that I just published the first chapter of a new book that I'm writing! It's called, The Lovesick Pop Star. So if you haven't already, please go check it out because I feel like that book is going to be my favorite so far and I'm going to have a lot of fun writing it. So please just try reading it and see if you like it! Thank you! 😁

The Lovesick Popstar
"I hear music whenever I'm with you," Cameron sang, wearing his typical cocky smile. I roll my eyes, not falling for this bullshit.

      "Oh shut up, you hear music all the time, idiot," I elbow him. He didn't take offense to the comment. He never does. It's like he's immune to every snarky thing I say. He wraps an arm around my shoulders.

      "Only when I'm with the most beautiful girl in the world," he sends me a dazzling sideways smile. I ignore it and hold in the blush that started seeping into my cheeks. Shrugging his arm off, I throw my hands up in exasperation.

       "You are going to be the death of me Cameron Storm. You should just leave this small town and go back to your luxurious celebrity life, hanging out with the Kardashians. People who actually enjoy your company," I scoff. Cameron waves a hand, brushing off what I just said.

      "Oh my sweet Carmen Hernandez, you know you're in love with me," he teased.

      "I don't even like you, let alone love you," I roll my eyes for the hundredth time since the famous Cameron Storm came to Los Angeles. Cameron shrugged and flashed me a wide grin.

     "Oh well that's too bad, because I'm in love with you."

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