Chapter 3

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Emma POV

I looked over at Hannah and nudged her. "Hannah," I whispered. "I think that dude saw us."

"Ooh, the young brown haired one?"

"Yeah, the muscly guy."

"Zayum, adopt me please," Hannah breathed.

"You creep!" I squealed, looking over at the guy to see if he was still looking. It turns out he was, along with three other guys that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. "Woah girl!" I exclaimed. "Look! There's more of them!"

"Omigod. What kind of relationship is that? Jeez!" Hannah whisper-yelled.

"Good Lord, you're right," I realized. "Hopefully they just know each other and are adopting at the same time."

"Then why are they walking over here together..."

Why were they coming over? They probably just want to know where the babies are kept. That would make sense. The one with the chubby cheeks got to us first.

"Um, hi..." he started, looking down.

"Hi," I smiled. "Down the hall on the right, second door on the left." I figured I'd help them out. They looked nice enough, even though they were kind of young.

"Excuse me, what?" the green eyed one said, looking confused.

"The baby room," Hannah replied. "It's in a different spot; down the hall on the right, second door on the left."

The youngest one laughed. "No, we aren't looking for the babies. We wanted to talk to you guys."

Now it was my turn to be confused. "Oh, well, um, hi..." I started.

"Hannah! Elisabeth! Quit bothering those poor boys! I'm sure they'd like to get on with their day," yelled Mrs. Bulletin.

I immediately stiffened, and felt Hannah grab my arms. My breathing started to get shallow, and I felt a panic attack coming on. Hannah just rubbed my back and whispered my name in my ear. Finally my breathing slowed and I looked up to see that the previous 4 boys had turned into 6, and they were all still standing in front of us. Actually, two of them were sitting on the ground in front of me, looking concerned. One of them I recognized as the youngest, and the other was new, sporting some on point caterpillar brows.

"Are you okay?" they all said at once. Yikes that's creepy.

"Um..." I started, feeling awkward that they were all staring at Hannah and I. Speaking of which, Hannah seemed to be as smushed behind me as much as humanly possible, probably because of the 6 dudes staring us down in our once quiet corner.

Squeezing her hand to give her a little support, I attempted to non-chalantly introduce us, despite the fact that they technically knew our names thanks to Bully. "Hey," great start, Emma, "I'm Emma, and this is Hannah."

The rosy cheeked one piped up, "I thought she said it was-"

"Nah," I interrupted, earning a hand sqeeze from Hannah, "it's Emma."

"Oh," said green eyes, "well I'm Connor."

"I'm Ricky," said the first guy.

"I'm Kian!" yelled caterpillar brows.

"I'm Jc," smiled chubby cheeks.

"I'm Trevor Moran," sang the youngest one.

"And I'm Sam," rosy cheeks practically whispered.

I decided to get sassy, so I yelled "Excuse me what? What did you say your name was?"

Sam laughed and yelled back, "I said, my name, is Sam!" Now all of the customers were watching us, but who cares.

"Thank you for specifying," I said, giving him a bright smile.

"So what's up?" Hannah asked.

"Well," Connor started, "We're looking to adopt a kid, but they have to be older, and we've already talked to everyone, and you two are the last ones, and we're hoping this works out, because no one else seemed right for us," he finished, panting.

"Wow," I said, surprised he could say all that in one breath and so fast.

"I know," he grinned. "I have practice."

"I'll say," Hannah replied.

"So, why are you beautiful girls back here in the corner?" asked Sam.

"Because we don't get adopted, so we avoid the stress and anxiety of having to talk to people who won't adopt us anyway," I answered.

"I get that," said Kian, "but that's not a very positive outlook. What makes you think you won't get adopted?"

"Well, Hannah has reached adoption limit, so she can't be adopted anymore, and I've never been adopted because people don't like me," I stated, looking down.

"Hey, Emma," said Ricky. "Guess what? We like you. How would you like to be adopted? We promise we'll bring you back to visit Hannah all the time, if you want. You two seem really close."

My head snapped up. "What? You want me? Are you sure? Me?" I looked at Hannah. "Are you okay with this? I won't go if you need me here. I'll stay."

"No," Hannah beamed. "Get adopted. Have a family. Just come back to visit me every once in a while, okay?" She started tearing up.

I looked to the six boys sitting in front of me, tears running down my face, and gave them my final answer. "Yes."



Long chaper after being gone...

I'm super busy bc school so my update schedule will be a bit slow, but hopefully I'll update at least twice a week.


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