chapter 6

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hii(: I would like to give a MASSIVE  thank you to you guys for all the reads. It means a lot. And also for the inboxed messages wishing me to get better. THANK YOU!! my mum told me to say home for the day, so im home. So i actually got the energy to walk down stair and get the computer. I would have before but it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down stairs, haha but anyway here ya go.

*Niall's POV*

Wow, shes a fast runner. Ten minutes of running and I'm no where near my house. Maybe i should just give up. At this rate we'll be running to China.

It was as if the heavans heard me, because out of no where she stopped on the sidewalk. Her hands were on her knees. Then she held her head as if it was about to explode. She didnt look so good. Maybe I should ask  her if shes okay.

As I got closer to her I started to notice more of her features.

She was about 17-18 years old with long brownish redish hair that was about down to her middle back. Not quite the waist line. She had black skinney jeans with a lot of holes in them. She also had a pink shirt on, with a rip on the side, and red  muddy converse. She was wearing a pink and black striped backpack. hhhmmmm, I wonder what this little ladies up to.

Just then I saw here knees start to wobble, then buckle in. I walked faster towards her. Just as she was about to hit the ground I caught her in my arms. I looked at her face and realized that she wasnt conscious.

I layed her on the ground gently and put my ear to her chest while taking her hand in mine. She was still breathing and she had a pulse in her wrist. Oh phew. Thats a relief. I would be scared out of my mind if her was dead.

I brushed the hair out of her face. Aaaaaawwwww shes a pretty lad.

"Dibs." I said. Oops wait the boys arent even here. Haha. I guess i don't have to worry about that.

Anyway, I took her backpack and through it over my shoulder. I scooped her up and decided to bring her back to my place. I mean, I obviously wasnt going to leave her there.

------------------------------- 20 minutes later -------------------------------------------

I opened the front door to my flat and brought her to my room. I gently laid her on my bed and got some ice for her. She was still unconscious. 

Somehow, when i was examining her back on the street i seemed to have missed that big black and blue bump on the side of her forehead. And the cut on her lip. Poor thing. I wonder what happened. Hhhmmm, maybe if i kiss it, and make it feel better. Nahh, to forward.

I looked at the clock. It was 9:30 P.M. I was out for a lot longer than I expected. Well, I guess I worked off all that food that i ate today....

I was really tired and decided it was time to hit that rack. Which happened to be where the really pretty, conscious girl was sleeping. Well, this is awkward. Ehh whatever. Its not everyday that you get to say that you were in bed with a really hot girl.

I hoped in beside her. I tried to stop myself but I couldnt help it. I mean after all i didnt want her to roll over a few times and fall of the bed. It could hurt her more.

So I put my arms around her and pulled her closer me. I felt her small gentle breaths against my chest. My head on top of her strawberry scented head. I kissed her forehead and slowly fell asleep.

And to think this girls a complete stranger to me.

So what to you guys think so far? Is it gooooooood? Is itttt? IIIISSSSS ITTTTTTT?!  The rest of one direction does come in. but not for a while. so tell me what you guys think. OPINIONS REQUIRED!!  vote COMMENT fan . kkkkkkk byee(:

~Bridget(: xx

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