The Naming of Averil

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I am so sorry I took so long to update, I was really busy and I still am but I am also trying so just sorry!

Also, in book two of AOGG Anne writes a book and the main character is named Averil.

Anne had never been one to stay quiet, despite all the angry attempts people had made to change that. Sometimes the ladies of the orphanage would say preposterous things just to make Anne quiet as they found that no matter how hard they tried, they could not whip the words out of her!

Once while walking past the well in Anne's outdoor minutes Anne decided to ask Ms. Tidler what the well's name was, much to her confusion, Anne persisted, "Everything must have a name! Without a name you would feel less important, just another human coming my way, but with one you're special, oh look, Anne is coming!"

Ms. Tidler was an old lady with a worn-out face, hair the colour of peppercorn tied up in an elegant bun, everything about Ms. Tidler was elegant other than her face and personality. Her dress was currant red with delicate golden lace around her neck and chest with the most puffy sleeves Anne had ever seen, it was quite obvious that she would rather spend her money on fancy dresses than food for the orphans, or as she would call them, "The unworthy of parents". Ms. Tidler had an awful tendency to not care about the kids but then again, so did every other adult in the orphanage.

Ms. Tidler rolled her eyes and blandly said "Waterella the Well"

Anne jumped with joy-quite literally and gave the dirty stones of the well a loving kiss on what she had imagined to be Waterella's cheek, afterall, Ms. Tidler must know Waterella's name after working here for so long.

By the time Anne looked up Ms. Tidler had already gone, most probably looking for quiet, but Anne didn't mind, she was very well off sitting with her new friend.

Just then a pack of older girls came, sadly, a pack that Anne knew all too well

The Mackenzie septuplets, their father abandoned them after their mother died giving birth to them. Rumour has it they killed their eldest brother for making fun of them once and that's truly why they got abandoned, true or false, they were scary to an almost five year old. Each of them were tall and of average weight, which was quite rare in the orphanage, with long almost white hair and electric blue eyes, a complexion so clear that it naturally mocked Anne's billions of freckles.

Anne looked up, her giant grey eyes wide and her thin pink lips in a frown, "What do you need?"

The first one, Charlotte, whined in a strong british accent, "I am parched! Get me water from that well you are sitting so fondly with!"

Anne shook her tiny head stubbornly, "I refuse!"

The fifth one, Edith, gave the redheaded toddler a swift kick in her slim leg causing a cry of pain, "You'll be in big trouble if you don't get it!"

Anne crossed her legs and arms and shook her carroty head once again, "No!"

"Fine then," smiled Isabelle, the third one, "We'll be right back."

Isabelle limped over to Ms. Tidler and started crying, "That vicious redhead over there kicked me in my knee and now I cannot seem to walk properly!"

Ms. Tidler shook her head and sighed, "Those redheads are truly demons, but so are all children, I'll take care of it."

Ms. Tidler angrily walked over to Anne, "How dare you be so violent, you nasty, parentless, dunce! You will be punished!"

Anne looked up with an adorable pout, "I didn't hit her!"

Five more sisters chirped in, saying that Anne did indeed hit Isabelle, the last one, Averil, staying quiet

"It is settled!" Ms. Tidler yelled, "I will be punishing Anne this instant!"

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