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Oh and btw, Eliza isn't going to be a bITCh like some other fanfics I've read, you'll see what I mean

•Alex POV btw-•

Eliza and Angelica sitting at a table, talking..

A bit of backstory, I was asked Eliza out during junior year in high school, we were a great couple..until James Reynolds came into the picture.

Maria was my best friend, she still is, but she was abused by James, he wanted Maria to sleep with me and she didn't want to do any of that. James went out of his way to create fake text messages of me and her and wrote a story of how I cheated on Eliza.

Which I find hard because everyone knew that my way of writing is hard to copy, but he manage to copy it and framed me, Eliza found out and broke up with me and I never talked to her again, People did find out that James was behind this but I never found Eliza or got a chance to talk to her.

And she is, talking to Angelica, I didn't know what to do but just look down

"Alexander..?" I heard a women's voice calling my name, I looked up and Eliza is looking at me, I didn't look back at her.

She came up and walked towards me, I didn't know what to expect, she hugged me and I was taken aback, I hesitated but hugged back, I started crying.

"Alexander..I'm so sorry..I should've known.." she said in a soft voice, I looked at her.

"I-it's okay, I-I forgive you" I responded and she smiled.

"Alex..? Who's this?" Thomas said while looking at Eliza.

"Oh..I'm sorry, I am Elizabeth Schuyler, I am here with my sister, I was Alexander's Ex-girlfriend and it's a long story, but may I ask, who are you?" She responded

"I am Thomas Jefferson, Alexander is my boyfriend, also the man right there," he pointed at John, "Is my boyfriend also"

She looked at me, "I didn't know you were gay"

"I'm actually bisexual" I responded.

She "oh" in response, "Well, I hope we can start over again Alexander, could it be possible that we can meet this weekend or in a few days?" She asked and I nodded in response, We both exchanged phone numbers and went our ways.

We actually had a great dinner, but Thomas was slightly teasing me while I was ordering.

We headed back to our house, changed into more comfortable clothing and plopped down on the couch.

"What do you wanna watch baby?" Laurens asked, "anything is fine" I responded and I cuddled up against him. He smiled and put some Disney movies on and watched at least two and ended up falling asleep.

•In the morning•

I woke up to the smell of breakfast, i walked to the kitchen and found Lauren's cooking and Thomas arms around his waist, it was cute, I walked and sat at the table, texting Eliza when we could meet up, and then texting hurc and laff.

Ifuckhorsesbtw: Yo, Alex where have you been the past two days????

Idressedupasapregnantlady: oui, it is very unlikely of you to skip class

HamBurger: yeah about that, I was hanging out with my boyfriends

Ifuckhorsesbtw: My baby has grown up

Hamburger: shut up

Idressedupasapregnantlady: who is the lucky guys???

Hamburger: There name is Thomson's Jefferson and John Laurens

Idressedupasapregnantlady: ...

Hamburger: ??

Idressedupasapregnantlady: THATS MY FUCKING COUSIN

Hamburger: welp your cousin is H oT

idressedupasapregnantlady: hOly Shit

Ifuckhorsesbtw: 👌

idressedupasapregnantlady: >:/ fck u

Ifuckhorsesbtw: sure, when?

Idressedupasapregnantlady: wait-

I put my phone down and saw that there was a plate of food in front of me, I started eating it and finished it. I put it in the sink and went to the couch and laid down, and went on Instagram and decided to take a nap.


For some reason, this chapter was really hard to write idk why

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