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Warm, large fingers crawled on your stomach, stirring you out of sleep.

His hungry mouth found its way to your neck, leaving paths of pleasure on your shivering skin.


You felt his lips curling in a smile right behind your earlobe, before he took it between his teeth.

Loud knocks on the door echoed in the cabin.

«Wake up, birdie.»

«Captain [L/n]!»

The call, together with the heavy thuds on your door, startled you.

Your eyes snapped open against the pillow, body enveloped in sweaty sheets.

«Captain, our destination is in sight! The officers are gathering on the deck.»


You shut your eyes again, pressing your forehead on the mattress.


«I HEARD YOU!» you barked from the bed, regretting it a second later as you hurt your own ears.

The man beyond the door grew quiet, at least, and his footsteps moved away shortly after.

You sighed, rolling on your back.

God, I hate mornings.

Conscious that you couldn't doze off again, you soon threw your legs out of the bed and stood.

Your cabin was equipped with a small bathroom, consisting mainly in a toilet and a sink with a tiny mirror.

You hated that mirror.

Every morning it forced you to stare at your dishevelled face, purple bags under your eyes and dry lips.

You quickly moved your focus away and washed your face with cold water.

«Captain [L/n].»

You quirked an eyebrow at the three tall men standing on the ship's bow.


Way to salute your superiors, [Y/n].

Vice Admiral Bastille grimaced under his mask, but that was the only reaction you got.

Maynard, the other Vice Admiral, barely looked at you as you walked over, adjusting the rifle strapped to your shoulder.

«Oh, captain. I'm glad you joined us. Isn't it a beautiful dawn?»

You frowned at the man in the middle.

He was giving his large back at you, facing the grey waves.

The air still had that colour that's in between the night and the sunrise. A cold breeze moved your hair around the Marine hat.

«How would you even know?» you grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest.

Bastille's huge body stiffened.

«How the hell you dare–»

«It's fine.» the man in the middle chuckled, raising a hand in front of the Vice Admiral «The captain has a point.»

You curled your lips at his carefree words.

You had been travelling with him only for a few days, but your sharp tongue always seemed to leave Admiral Fujitora unfazed.

Mission Dressrosa [Captive tie-in]Where stories live. Discover now