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The arms that crawled around your waist barely woke you up as he pulled you against his torso.

You groaned softly, eyes closed, feeling his warm lips on your neck.


You didn't exactly know what had gotten into him, he had already taken you several times that night – although you didn't have to be surprised anymore, it was never enough for that man.

And now I do know.

His large hand caressed your stomach, searching for the edge of your top to sneak underneath.

«To... morrow.» you murmured.

It wasn't like you didn't want him, because god knew you did. But he had already drained every drop of your energy, and your stamina wasn't comparable to his.

He hummed against your skin, a hum that sounded more like a sigh.


But you knew.

You knew there wasn't going to be a tomorrow for us.

You had made your choice already.

I just had no idea.

You rolled in his arms so you could lean your face against his scarred chest.

A drowsy smile tugged lightly at your lips.


His fingers lazily fiddling with your hair was the last thing you remembered before sinking back to sleep.

You didn't know if he added anything else. He probably didn't.

After all, it wasn't the first time he would call you without then actually saying anything, always by that ridiculous nickname and with that ridiculous voice, a mixture of quietness and melancholy, so unlikely the infamous Eustass Kid.

He always meant to say the same thing, you knew that. You believed, sooner or later, he was going to voice it.

He never did.

I was such an idiot.

And now.

«Captain [L/n]!»

Loud knocks echoed in the dark cabin.

You didn't reply, lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling, like you had been doing for the past few hours.

You made me a promise.


You closed your eyes, took a deep breath and climbed down the bed. Your hand reached for the rifle in the corner, slipping the strap over your shoulder.


The door opened just before the big soldier could pound against it once again.

He had a pretty angered expression and was surely about to bark some insults at you, but every remark died in his mouth when he saw your face.

In that moment, the marine thought that, if he talked, he was going to get killed.

Mission Dressrosa [Captive tie-in]Where stories live. Discover now