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This is fucking crazy.

You stood speechless in front of the huge underground port.

Dozens of pirate ships were docking, stocking up on weapons and other goods, before leaving again.

It didn't take long to ambush one of the guards in black and knock him down to adjust your outfit, but you stayed in the shadow for extra precaution.

Your haki was always in active mode, which took a lot of stamina, but was necessary, at least while you were down there.

A small chaos broke out in one of the docks.

Some pirates started to shout and jump around, while what seemed a big swarm of wasps burst out from a trunk.

You slid between piles of cargo to take a closer look, but you haki suddenly gave you a sharp tingle in the back of your mind, indicating someone powerful coming from behind.

You quickly turned around and hid.

«...this way, Trebol-sama. Those pirates are causing troubles.»

A woman with the guard uniform was leading a huge man in blue down the docks, pointing at the agitated crew.

That must be one of Doflamingo's officers...

«What's going on there?!»

He was about to jump over the ship, but his Den Den Mushi went off dramatically just a second before.


«A trap?!»

The woman in uniform quickly turned and ran away.

An involuntary smile crept on your face.

I have absolutely no idea what the hell it's going on, but looks like I'm in for a dance.

«What are you trying to do?»

An amused smirk curled his painted lips as his mechanical hand slowly took a grip of your chin and turned your face to the mirror.

You swallowed, the image of your flushed expression and humid eyes back in sight.


His flesh hand was resting on your stomach, spreading his warmth across your already half-unbuttoned shirt.

«I said» he hissed in your ear, hot breath fanning your skin «you look at yourself now.»

He took a light bite of your neck before his mouth slid down the line of your collarbone.

«Kid, we're in a dangerous port, we're the only ones on the ship, we should–»

Your sentence was cut short by a gasp when he brusquely tore your shirt apart, revealing your naked torso.

He snickered against your shoulder blade before pulling you down the floor, making sure you were still facing the mirror.

His metallic hand held you in place while his other harshly groped your breast. A loud moan escaped your throat.

«See?» he breathed «That is my favourite face of yours.»

You opened your eyes to peer at your mirrored image.

Your teeth were tormenting your lower lip, your chest was raising and lowering quickly, your eyebrows were restless on your forehead and red shades were spreading on your skin.

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