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You lied on the infirmary bed of that remote outpost in the middle of the New World, face blank, head blank, eyes fixed on the grey ceiling.

«Ah-hem, commander [L/n]?»

You slowly turned your face to see the man in white coat at the door.

«It's me.»

«We contacted Neo Marineford. They confirmed you were taken captive by the Kid Pirates about one month ago. They were happy to hear you're alive, no one expected that. We're waiting for Sengoku-sama's call any moment now.»

You only hummed in response.

The man looked nervous and cleared his voice once again.

«Now, the protocol requires for the victim to be able to choose the gender of their doctor, but... I'm the only one available, at the moment. And I'm afraid we cannot postpone the first assessment...»

You frowned.


They forbid you to take a shower, despite the miserable state you were in when you reached the outpost. Nothing before the "first assessment".

The doctor walked beside the bed and leaned some documents on the nightstand.

«Are you in pain right now?»

«No, no, I feel great. What makes you think that?» you growled, eyes flicking back to the ceiling.

Your head was spinning madly, and you were just trying your hardest not to cry.

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

«Okay, let's start over. I'm not here to interrogate you or anything, I just need to assess your physical state. Could you please indicate what type of violence you suffered during the last month?»

You shot an incredulous look at him.



Seconds passed and you could just stare at the man.

«What if I don't remember?»

«If you don't, we'll skip this part and go directly to the physical exam.»

You grimaced.

«Hum, okay. And how do I skip that one and go have a shower?»

«It's not possible.»

«Oh, for fuck's sake!»

«Please, commander. Let me visit you, then you'll be able to rest.»

You grit your teeth and stayed silent for a few seconds.


He nodded.

«Remove your clothes, please.»

You went to unbutton your shirt, but your fingers faltered. Only then you noticed how white and shaky they were.

You tried to swallow, but your throat was completely dry.


No, no, no, I don't want to do that.

You knew HIS marks were still all over your body.

Tears gathered in your eyes.

I don't want this man to see that.

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