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A few days before.


The Massacre Soldier stopped in the corridor, turning to his comrade.

«Heat? You're supposed to be outside with the On Air Pirates.»

The blue-haired man raised his arm, handing him a copy of the newspaper.

«I know. But this just came in.»

Killer took the newspaper and scanned the front page.

«They know about the alliance already...» he hummed «I guess we'll have to figure out how they got the information, but it's not a big deal.»

Heat shook his head.

«It's not what I'm concerned about.»

There was a long pause while Killer saw and read the small article immediately below, one about a Marine officer who just completed rehabilitation after a month of captivity and was now back on duty.

«...I see.»

«So she... went back being a marine.»

Killer sighed behind his mask.

Heat's face rarely showed any emotion, but the Massacre Soldier could swear there were shades of bitterness in the corner of his eyes.

«You did good informing me.» he said, ignoring the last comment «I'll make sure Kid is alone when he sees it. This is our business, our allies don't have to be involved.»

Heat nodded slowly.

«Can you inform the others without our guests noticing?» Killer asked.

«I think so, but I can't promise no one will throw a tantrum about it. Like Booka, or who knows who. Isn't it better if we just don't say anything for now?»

«No. If someone from the other crews read it, they'll come and tease us because we let a marine prisoner escape. I don't want broken jaws and corpses all over the place on the second day of our alliance.»

«Well, if Stretchmen Apoo teases the captain about it...»

«Let me deal with Kid.» Killer interrupted, folding the paper in his hands «Can I leave the rest of the crew to you? If they cause trouble, they'll have to answer to me.»

Heat took a longer breath.

«Yes, Killer-san.»

The Massacre Soldier knocked and entered Kid's study.

The captain was sitting at his desk, giving orders to two other men to arrange a banquet, since there were so many pirates on the small island.

«This just came in.» Killer said, leaving the newspaper on the table.

Kid seemed in a rather good mood while he took it.

«What? How did they got to know about our alliance already?!»

«Yeah, we'll have to look into that.»

«Who cares, though. Let the world know!»

The blond turned to the other two pirates in the room.

«Go, now. I need to speak with the captain in private.»

The men shrugged and took their leave.

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