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Louis wakes up to a knock on the door, "Lou? Are you awake?" he hears Harry call.

"Yes!" Louis yells out, eyes still closed. He feels himself drifting back to sleep when he hears Harry speak again.

"Can I come in?" he asks the younger boy, from outside of the door.

"Sure," Louis says, voice cracking. He blushes in embarrassment, and pushes his head into the pillow, as he hears Harry opening the door.

"Morning, Lou!" Harry whispers, closing the door, and making his way to sit on Louis' bed.

Louis feels the dip on his best, but doesn't take any notice. Too tired.

Harry moves a piece of Louis' hair, off his eyelash. He then moves his hand from Louis' cheek to his neck, then moves to rest it on the boys tiny shoulder, which Harry's hand covers. He shakes it softly, causing a little noise to fall from Louis' lips.

"Lou," he spoke, just above whisper, shaking him a bit harder.

This time, Louis stirs awake, eyes widening when he sees Harry. The younger boy let's out a squeak. Not because Harry scared him, he just realises what he went to bed in. His panties.

"I'm sorry, Lou. I didn't mean to scare you... I just came to wake you up, because I have finished my work, and your mum has gone to work. But I have a tattoo booked to get, and I dont want to leave you home alone. I know you're old enough, but I don't want you to get hurt!" spoke slowly, ans deeply. Louis was captivated.

"I'd love to come with you, Harry!" Louis responded, loving the way Harry always looked him in the eye when he spoke.

"That great, Lou! Well you get ready, and we can pick up some food when we can pick up some food when we get into town?" Harry inquired.

"Sounds great, Haz!" Louis replied.

"Haz?" Harry questions, amused.

Louis blushes, "Well, you call me, Lou. I think its only fair you get a nick name too!" Louis huffs against the pillow, still in a laying down position.

"I like it, Lou. Very much. Well, I'll let you get up, and get dressed, yeah? I'll be downstairs." Harry says, standing up, and smiling at Louis.

"Okay, thanks, Haz!" Louis tells him.

Once Harry is out the door, Louis gets out of bed quickly, he needs to find something out of his boxes to wear. He can't just stay in his pretty, pastel pink panties.

"Oh, Louis!" Harry says, opening the door, and poking his head through.

Louis gasps, covering the front of himself.

Harry eyes bulge, as he is frozen in his spot. He feels as though all the breath had been knocked out of him. "I-I'm so sorry!" Harry apologises, and quickly exits, shutting the door.

Louis wants to cry... He is so embarrassed, Harry probably thinks his a freak.


"Ready to go?" Harry questions. He isn't making eye contact now.

Great, Louis thinks, he has ruined everything by making it awkward.

"Yes," Louis mutters, cheeks flaming.


The drive so far has been silent, besides from the roar of the engine,coming from Harry's matte black G-wagon.

"Harry?" Louis whispers, feeling so small. Well, smaller then he usually feels.

"Yeah?" Harry glances over towards him.

Louis feels tears fill his eyes, blurring his vision, "I'm so sorry!" he chokes out, wiping his eyes with his sweater paws. "I've made you think I'm a freak. I'm so embarrassing!"

Harry looks over at the boy concerned. He pulls over the car onto the side of the road.

"Hey, hey, Lou." Harry undoes his seatbelt, and reaches over to undo Louis' too. He places his hands over the top of Louis', and gently removes them.

Harry's heart breaks when he takes in Louis' puffy red eyes, and his tear streaked face.

"Come over here, Lou," Harry whispers.

Louis nods, and crawls over to Harry, sitting on his lap. The younger boy puts his hands on Harry's shoulders, stabalising himself.

Harry softly places his large hands on each of Louis' cheeks.

Louis' bottom lip starts wobbling again.

"Oh, Lou... There is no need to be embarrassed, okay? I don't think you're a freak at all! So what if you wear panties? It doesn't matter to me okay... What matters to me is that you're happy, and safe. I havent known you for very long at all, but what I do know is you're kind hearted, and beautiful inside, and out okay?" Harry explains softly, hoping the message got through to Louis.

"Are you sure?" Louis looks at Harry with hopeful eyes.

"Of course, dear," after that is said, Harry leans forward, and gives Louis a short peck on the forehead.


"What tattoo are you getting, Haz?" Louis asks, looking at all the pictures of previous clients of this shop.

"A small coat hanger..." Harry tells him.

"A coat hanger?" Louis questions, confused as to why Harry would get that.

Harry glances away from Louis, almost nervously. "Yeah... It uh, reminds me of... Clothes! Which reminds me of Gucci, like my dog. Yeah. That's the reason." Harry tells him, and Louis can tell that isn't the reason.

But he smiles, and nods anyway. "That's cool, Haz!"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 😊

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