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Jay walks in, a large smile on her face. Louis, and Harry had just finished arranging the tables. Louis didn't know many of the people, but Harry would tell him who should go together, and Louis wrote it down.

Team work at its best, Louis thinks. Although, Harry had been a bit distant.

"Hey, mum!" Louis is the first to greet her, running up to hug her tightly. Harry follows, giving her a short, very short, peck on her lips.

"How was work, darl?" Harry asks, voice monotonic.

"It was so great! Guess what?!" before anyone could answer, she goes on to say, "they're sending me on a business trip!"

"That's great, Jay!" Harry tells her, side hugging her.

Louis smiles, "that's great, mum... Can I go outside, and play with Gucci?" he asks, not wanting to intrude on Harry, and his mum.

"Sure, Hun. No problem!" Jay says, and Louis sighs, leaving the room to go play with the husky.


"Lou! Could you come in here for a second?!" Jay calls out. Louis had been out with Gucci for around 20 minutes, throwing the tennis balls, and chew toys to him.

Louis sighs, dripping the ball, and patting Gucci on the head. He walks in through the glass back doors, and down the hall, into the kitchen.

"What'd you need, mum?" Louis asks, hands on the kitchen bench, bouncing on his toes.

"I'm going to be going on a business trip... In a couple of hours."

"That soon?!" Louis asks, confused.

"Janet, a work colleague was supposed to go, but her child Ben got sick, so I had to fill in... You feel alright staying with Harry, yeah?"

Louis smiles, of course he feels fine saying with Harry, he lo- likes him, really likes him. "Of course, mum. Harry's great!"

"Awesome, well I better go pack!" Jay walks past Louis, ruffling his hair.


Jay stands next to the door, bags all packed, ready for her business trip. Louis pouts he is going to miss her, but he is glad he will be spending even more time alone with Harry.

"I'll see you in a few days, okay?" Jay says, hugging Louis tightly. "I'm only a phone call away," she tells him, giving him a kiss on his forehead.

She then goes over to Harry, hugging him too, and whispering something into his ear, before giving a kiss. A very deep kiss at that. Her arms around his neck, and his hand on her waist.

She pulls away, smiling before she's giving him another, and another.

"I better go!" she pouts, and releases herself from Harry. "You boys look after each other, okay? I love you both more then this world itself!" she blows them both a kiss, and grabs her suitcase, while Harry grabs her hand bag. He asks her if she wants him to carry the heavier bag, to which she politely declines.

Louis walks over, and sits at the kitchen table, getting his phone out to text Bentley.

A few minutes later, Harry comes back inside, he pressed his lips together, and gives Louis a small smile. "I'm going to go do some work on my computer, and make some phone calls... Will you be alright by yourself for a while?"

"Yeah, Haz, I'll be fine," Louis tells him, as he starts downloading an app Bentley suggested, tik tok.


At around seven o'clock, Louis starts to get hungry, he wonders if Harry had finished his work yet, it had been quite a long time. Although Louis didn't want to interupt him at all.

But... Louis was bored, hungry, and kinda missed Harry.

He creeps down the stairs, and makes his way to Harry, and Jays room. The door is partly open, so he peaks in to see if Harry was still on his laptop, or phone. But what he sees makes his jaw drop.

Harry's not working. He is wanking.

He is moaning, and writhing. And Louis is basically drooling. Harrys cock is so big, and hard. And Louis just wants it in his mouth. Or somewhere else.

He steps away from the door, but knocks something down off the hallway table, next to the door. His mums vase. It shatters on the ground, making a lot of noise. Before Harry could say or do anything, Louis is running back upstairs. Eyes widened, he is so embarrassed, and flustered.


I didn't think I'd be able to write today after I heard the news about Fizzy, I'm so shocked! My heart breaks for Louis, and his amazing family, they didn't deserve yet another amazing person taken from them. This is so devastating! Rest in piece gorgeous girl, I know you will be missed dearly. I also know Louis adored you, as did the rest of your family. And this fandom. I hope you're reunited with your mumma, both such beautiful, incredible people taken from this world too soon. 😭💔

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