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Harry watches Louis, and Gucci as they happily swim around in the pool. He smiles as Louis throws the ball from the shallow end to the deep, and Gucci swims to get it.

Harry decides his should get in too. He wants to spend as much time with Louis. Jay's coming home tomorrow, and Harry dreads it... He knows it's going to hurt Louis. But it'll hurt Harry too.

He is the one getting married, throwing his life away. Louis is only young... He will still have options.

Harry sighs, and gets up, pulling up his yellow shorts a little, as he walks over to the pool. Leaving his towel, and thongs on the day bed.

"You coming in, Haz?" Louis asks, fringe wet over his face.

"Yep!" Harry smiles, and sits on the concrete, before sliding in. He walks through the water over to Louis who can barely stand in the shallow end.

Louis swims over to Harry, clinging to his body. Louis feels weightless in the water, not that he is that heavy anyway.

Harry half heartidly smiles, leaning forward to place a short kiss on Louis' lips. He closes his eyes, and hold Louis closer. Never wanting to let him go. And yeah, this is what love is.

But... He can't say that.

"Lou..." Harry sighs, eyes glazing over.

Louis smiles at him, not noticing him tearing up, "Yes?" he giggles, cutely.

"Your mum is home tomorrow..." Harry purses his lips. He knows he will regret what he is about to say... But its for the best.

"I know..." Louis pouts, "I'll miss being around you all the time. But just to know that you're mine is all I need."

Harry's heart breaks, "about that..."

Louis looks at him confused, fear flashing in his eyes, "about what?"

"I just think... I don't know, maybe we should stop... This," Harry gestures between the two of them. And a tear falls from Harry's eyes.

"W-what? Why?" Louis asks, eyes searching Harry's eyes for an answer.

"I'm just trying to be sensible..." Harry reasons.

"I can't-I can't lose you..." Louis whispers, clinging to Harry more. "Please don't do this..."

"Lou. I'm sorry, but I tgubj it would be better. You know I'd prefer you over your mum, baby. Your mum may be one of the most amazing people I've met, but you're my baby... I don't want to do this," Harry cups Louis' face.

"You have to choose," Louis says sternly, "me or mum. Choose now, a Harry."

"Baby... In any other universe I'd choose you, you know that right?" Harry starts.

Louis' lips starts wobbling, "you're choosing mum...?"

"I'm so sorry, Lou... I just thinks it's for the best," Harry chokes out, as Louis pulls out of his grip.

"Go then, leave! See if I care?!" Louis grits out, tears flowing freely down his face. He looks away from Harry.

"Please look at me, Lou..."

Louis doesn't, he just swims to the stairs into the pool, and gets out. Not once looking back at the distraught Harry in the pool.

Don't hate me!

I hope you enjoyed that chapter... If its possible? Gucci is cute, right? 😅

Soooo tonight I found out that I'm going to be an aunty again! 🤗

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