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Harry woke up, groaning at the throbbing pain in his head. He had got home, Louis was already asleep. And Jay, she was furious. She screamed at him, telling him he should've told her where he was going. Which, yes is true.

He hears the door open, and a scared looking Louis walks in. He had nurofen, and a glass of water.

He walks over to Harry's side, a worried smile on his face. Unsure of whether Harry would want him there or not.

"Hi, Haz..." Louis breaths out, as Harry starts to sit up.

"Hey..." Harry looks down, feeling embarrassed.

"Mum said to bring these in for you," Louis hands Harry the medication, and water.

Harry clears his throat, and takes them, "thank you."

"Haz..." Louis sits on the bed beside him. "I'm so so sorry for what I said. It was horrible... Are you okay? I'm so sorry," Louis bites his lips, looking at Harry concerned.

"I'm fine, Lou. I know you didn't mean it. Are you okay?" Harry asks, more worried about Louis then himself.

"No... I hurt you, Harry. I feel awful!"

Harry rests his hand on Louis, after he had taken the tablet. "I hurt you first... You were angry, I get it."

Louis shakes his head, "you're too forgiving! Yell at me. Tell me off. I don't care. Just please do something!"

Harry squeezes Louis' hand, "I'm not mad, though Louis."

"You're upset though?"

"A little. But not anything I can't handle," Harry shrugs. "I'm okay, as long as you're okay... Are you okay?"

Louis thinks for a while, before nodding, he gives Harry a smile. "If me being okay, means you're okay. Then I'm okay."


Louis had left the room, but not before giving Harry a hug, that lingered a little longer then most.

Now Harry was making his way out of the room himself, dressed in a place blue jumper, and skinny jeans.

"Morning..." he says to Jay, when he sees her sitting on the couch, television on the news, but she was too focused on looking at her phone.

"Morning," she replies, not looking up. "I'm going dress shopping today... So I would advise you go tux shopping."

Harry nods, "I'll go today... Do you want me to take Louis? He'd need one too, yeah?"

Jay stands up, walking into the kitchen, Harry follows. "Yeah, that's a good idea. Rebecca is picking me up in about twenty minutes. Does Niall, Liam, and Zayn have their tuxes?"

"Yeah, we got theirs a while ago."

"Alright good."


Harry knocks on Louis' door, opening it a bit to see Louis reading a book. Harry thinks it's adorable.

Harry opens the door a bit wider, and walks in, causing Louis' head to snap up. He gives Harry a smile. "Hey, Haz. What's up?"

"Your mum has gone dress shopping... And I was wondering if you wanted to go tux shopping with me? You don't have to... But I suppose you need a tux?"

Louis puts the small piece of paper in the page he was up to, and closes the book. "Sure, I'll come!"

Harry smiles, he had missed hanging out with Louis. "Great!"

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