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Okay this is my fav and what I believe to be my best written so far, it's shorter than the other but I was demanded to update 😂

"You were about to kiss him." Christian scoffed as they were finally in the privacy of their own home, well, her home.

"No I wasn't Christian." She rose her voice with tears in her eyes. "Stop thinking that of me." Her hands rolled into fists and she sniffled.

"Oh now you're here playing the victim!" Christian screamed and she flinched, he has never, ever in her time with him raised his voice at her. "I'm the one that's being cheated on!" He yelled and turned away taking off his tie trying to relax himself.

Stefani stood there, biting her lip, her eyebrows were furrowed and she looked very upset, "for the last fucking time. I. Am. Not. Cheating. On. You." She looked down to the bed that was dividing them at this moment and wanted nothing more than to just lay it in and go to sleep, get this day over with.

"Then this will stop, you will stop acting the way that you do with him." He turned to her and she quickly looked up.

"What the fuck! I have to, we have to it's for the public!" She was in disbelief.

"People have promoted movies without giving so much attention to their co stars, and being so close to them! If truly nothings happening between you two, you can easily do it." He looked into her eyes, waiting for her to agree with him.

"I'm sorry Christian, that's not going to happen." She whispered and his heart sank.

"Why not?" He spoke gently again.

"Because I love him, I'm so sorry I'm in love with him." She sniffled and the tears began. "I'm so-sorry Chris, you deserve someone better-someone who will love you just as much." She spoke gently and seen the hurt crossover his face. He looked elsewhere trying to avoid her look but one tiny sob that escaped her lips made him walk to her side, he wrapped his arms around her small frame and leaned his head on the top of hers.

"I know you are, Stef." He whispered and rubbed her back, "hey don't cry now, I'm sorry for yelling." He gently pushed her away and looked into her eyes, "and... I'll let you go Stef, so you can be with him."

"Chris, I." She cried and he just smiled, "I'm so sorry."

"It'll be okay, hey peach, don't cry." He wiped her tears, "I just want you to be happy, and if it's not with me, that's okay, you gave me some of the best years of my life, thank you." It hurt him to say this stuff but he knew it was the right thing to do, she simply didn't love him anymore and he had to deal with that.

"Thank you." She cried and they hugged, the most natural hug they have shared in months. She let him go and and she looked down at her left hand, she slipped the ring off her finger and handed it to him, "thank you for giving this to me, I'm sorry". It was done. A second failed engagement. The thought made her cry even more which resulted into him holding her.

"It'll be okay Stef." He whispered and she just continued to cry while nodding into his chest, "here, lay down," he moved the blankets away for her and she laid in the comfy bed, "get some rest, I'll go to s hotel tonight okay, and I'll be back tomorrow to pack my stuff." She nodded and he smiled, his lip trembled a little bit he hoped she didn't see it, "alright Stefani, goodnight." He walked out of the room, turning out the light and closing the door with the engagement ring in his hands.

Stefani whimpered and cried till she fell asleep, she was so sad she broke a heart, but happy that she was free.

Meanwhile Bradley was with Lea in her room, she had a temperature and wouldn't sleep unless she was laying on her daddy's chest. Bradley gently rubbed his big hand up and down his daughters small back. He loves this, just holding his little baby. Although things may be starting to get rough between him and Irina, he has his little Lea as his distraction, but of course he has Stefani too, which is the reason why him and Irina are having problems in the first place. Lea stirred a little and he looked back down to his precious daughter. He kissed the top of her head and she slept on. Him and Stefani were about to kiss, he can't help but keep repeating our her thumb felt on his lips, how he wanted nothing more but to feel her lips on his again, as Stefani and Bradley, the two co stars who fell for each other.

Maybe it's best for them, not to be together, she's engaged to another man, destined to be with him, he can see the love that Christian has when he looks at her, although he doesn't see it in her he just assumes it's because she has a shell around her emotions since her last relationship was so public and since it broke she doesn't know how to express relationships out into the work anymore.

Bradley has to talk to Irina, she'd be back in a week. He didn't even know that she had arrived back home while he was at the award show and afterparty, she wanted it to be a surprise but as time passed and he hadn't come back she didn't want to miss her flight to go to Italy for a fashion show, and called their babysitter over very quickly to leave Lea here till Bradley and Gloria got back home. But when she's back they'll discuss what's happening between them, and what they see in their future, which for him all he sees is Stef.

His phone began to ring and he quickly lifted his side to get his phone out of his pocket to answer before the ring disturbed his baby's slumber. "Hello," He whispered into the phone not answering.

"Bradley." He heard a sniffle and his heart broke, it was Stef.

"Stefi, what's wrong?" He asked and sat up a little.

"I-Christian and I broke up." She cried, "and, he left and I'm alone." She didn't stop crying and she whispered, "can you come?" She asked and he nodded, forgetting for just a second that she couldn't see him.

"Of course Stef, I'll be right there, let me just take Lea to my mom and put my shoes on, I'll be right there." He said.

"Okay." She whispered and he got up, taking sleeping Lea to his mom and exposing very quickly that he had to go see Stef and that their security system was on they'd be safe. He lit his shoes on and ran out. She was still on the other line silently crying and it broke his heart.

"Stef I'll be right there." He repeated and she said okay once again before saying bye and hanging up.

Stefani stood in her doorway watching as Bradley pulled up in her Long driveway. He quickly parked and walked to her door, wrapping his arms around her, he slightly lifted her up and closed his eyes. "Let's go inside." She whispered and he nodded following her inside, she closed the door behind him and the automatic alarm system locked the door. She walked into her smaller first livingroom and crawled into the couch, she lifted her arms to him and he sat beside her.

"How are you feeling Stef?" He asked and she shrugged.

"I was asleep but I woke up feeling so sad and alone, I had to call you." She licked her lips subconsciously and leaned her head on his shoulder, "why do I feel bad bradley? I didn't love him." She sighed, "I did the right thing."

"Yes you did Stef, you did the right thing, if you didn't love him it was the best. And you're sad because you're not a heartbreaker." He smiled and lifted his head so she could lift hers up and look into her eyes, "why did you two break up?" He asked and she closed her eyes again.

"He said I was cheating, and if I wasn't then to stop being so close to you to the public." She opened her eyes again and looked at him, "I told him I couldn't."

"But we need too, to set the image." He said, it hurt to lie that way.

"I know, I told him that." She looked deep into his blue eyes, "Bradley..." She whispered and he tilted his head back.

"Yeah Stefi?"

"We also broke up because.... I love you bradley." She looked up at him, "and I couldn't lie to myself anymore, my heart wants you."


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