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Stefani sat in front of her vanity mirror, she had just come back from a doctors appointment where they injected her with the needed medicines to help with her flare up she's been having. She looked at herself in the mirror, her hair pulled up and her eyes a pink color. How she missed him, they haven't spoken and it's been about a week since they last seen each other at her show. "Maybe it's for the best." She whispered and Sarah looked up at her as she was setting the makeup down for the Grammys.

"What's for the best?" She asked and Stefani sniffled.

"Me and Brad, not being a thing." Her voice was becoming thinner and she knew if she kept talking about this she would cry, she seen when Sarah looked up passed Stefani. "Guys I-" she stopped talking in hopes that it would help her tears sink back in but her sadness didn't go away. "If I cry will my face get puffy?" She asked and the tone of her voice broke Bo's heart, he walked up behind her and held the singers cheeks as they made eye contact through the mirror.

"Yes, a little, Stef. It's okay." She kissed the side of Stefani's cheek.

"I'm sorry, I really tried to not cry, I'm sorry." Her voice was so fragile as she spoke, Bo and Sarah wanted to cry themselves. Sarah put her hand on Stef's shoulder, gently rubbing it.

"It's okay Stef." Sarah said.

Stefani nodded, her hand in front of her mouth as she was leaned onto the table. She sat back and Sarah started to apply makeup on her face after allowing Stefani to dry her face with some tissues.
"I just miss him, you know?" She asked and Sarah nodded. "We haven't talked since the show, and i regret it so much that I told him how I feel." She sniffled and fiddled with the tissue in between her fingers. "What was I thinking? That he'd want me too, over his baby's mother who happens to be a Victoria's Secret model, a model." She shook her head and sighed.

"Don't talk like that Stef, you're a gorgeous woman and anyone who has eyes knows that. You're a realistic form of the most beautiful and she's an artificial one." Bo said looking into Stefani's eyes through the mirror. "Everyone sees the chemistry between you two, he's maybe just stuck on what to do."

"Thank you so much." Stefani said, "but I can't be a homewrecker, I just can't." She stopped talking and just thought about how many times her and Bradley got a little too close, she's holding onto hope that he feels something for her, but under no circumstance would she wreck their family.

Lady Gaga was a Bafta winner and Bradley Cooper was a Grammy winner. The night was a success, they texted each other, letting the other know of their win.

Bradley was sitting in his hotel room looking at photos of the Grammys, he seen the video of Stefanis reaction when they won. His heart felt so warm when she thanked him and how happy she looked. He sat there on the bed smiling widely when Iirina walked in.

She sat down beside him and soon he heard her accent, "what's that smile for?" She curled up to his side and seen his phone, the screen showing a picture of Stefani leaves forward with her hand on her mouth right when they announced the win. "Oh yeah, you guys won huh?" She sat back and opened her phone.

"Yeah, I was thinking we could go have dinner with her when we get back to the states, haven't been as in touch with her." He shrugged trying to act normal, trying to hide just how much he wanted to see her.

"Hm?" She turned to him and watched as his face became serious, it wasn't the first time that she was distracted by her phone. "Oh yeah, that'd be nice but it'd have to be a few days after we arrive, I have a photo shoot to go to and a few runways." She put her phone down and pulled her hair up into a bun before turning off her light and covering herself, her back facing him.

"Goodnight." He said and laid down facing the other way. He kept remembering Stefani's sad eyes once he told her nothing could happen between them. He hated that he said that but he knew he had to. This is Hollywood, they'll rip him and her to shreds if they became something. But the more he thought about that he wondered if his career was worth it or his happiness. He tried to fall asleep but he just felt like he needed to be that friend again, Stefani's close friend again and message her, to tell her how much he appreciates her because he has to admit, he's been a shitty friend.

Stefani sat on her balcony smoking a blunt, she had successfully performed at the Grammys and from a glance on her Twitter everyone was calling her a crackhead. She giggled as she put her phone down, feeling the cold air on her skin as she sat there alone. "Wow." She whispered as she looked around her, the couch she was sitting on had much more room that could be filled. She hated that side of her, the side that wanted someone with her all of the time, usually it didn't matter who it was, even in her past relationships as long as anyone was there she was content but now she just wants Bradley beside her and it hurts that she knows it can't happen.

Just as a tear rolled down her green eyes, her phone dinged and she picked it up.
'Hey Stefani, I know it's late but I couldn't get to sleep without telling you this but thank you, thank you so much for being on this journey with me. There would have been no movie without you and I want you to know that all this attention and all this recognition that's being given to you is 100% true, you are the most talented and genuine person I have very met and I'm so glad to call you my dearest friend.' The message said and it brought tears to her eyes. How much she appreciated him wasn't even able to be explained in words. Although she wanted to badly to be with him, to feel his arms around her, feel his kisses and touches she knew that if she couldn't have him in that way, at least she'd have him as a friend she has made for life, and that made her smile, her second most genuine smile of the day.

This is short Ik but a good start for what's to come! 💕

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