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Silence filled the room as Bradley just looked into her sparkly eyes. He noticed how a full clear tear ran down the soft skin of her cheek and rolled into her mouth, he looked at her and seen the most saddened expression he's ever seen.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said that." She tensed a little and pushed herself away from him. "I'm so stupid." She whispered under her breath and more tears escaped her eyes.

'Why hasn't he said anything?' She asked herself, 'cmon Stefani, he's an actor, he could've been doing this for show this whole time.' The voice in her head continued and she couldn't help but feel an actual ache in her heart. She hated that she let that come out, she let her feelings come out and she incredibly regrets it.

"Stefani." He whispered. She looked up at him and suddenly had a loss for words. "I-I don't know what to say, I-"

"No Bradley, it's okay." She sniffled and uncomfortably shifted on the couch. "I-I really shouldn't have said that." Her voice cracked, "you-you have a family, I'm so sorry." Her tears began to overflow, her vision was incredibly blurred. "I-" 'oh no here it comes just stay quiet Stefani.' She said in her mind before she let out a small sob, "I don't deserve you." She cried, "I-I know you don't feel the same and I shouldn't have said anything I-"

Bradley cut her off by gently grabbing her hand, he pulled her closer and his lips grazed hers. She whimpered, being the most vulnerable she's been. Their lips connected and she let her air come out of her nose. Her heart fluttered and for that moment she felt so light and happy, but she realized what they were doing and she pushed him away.

"No no no no Bradley." She cried again, "Irina, we can't do this you have Irina." Her tears rushed down and she ran her hand through her hair.

Bradley nodded, coming to a realization. He can't cheat on his girlfriend, no matter how miserable they are with each other. "Stefani, uh, I should go back, Lea had a fever before I came. I should go check if it's better now or not." Bradley nervously spoke.

Stefani looked up and nodded, wiping away her tears, "oh no, poor baby, text me to let me know too." She got off the couch after him and he nodded, looking somewhat distracted. Both of them didn't know what to do really, they had just kissed, she has just confessed her feelings to him, and now the both are trying to act normal, though they definitely are struggling to.

"Go get some rest Stef." He didn't even look at her as he walked out. She followed behind and put the password into the alarm system to activate it. She leaned her head onto the door he just walked out of and she began to cry again. Luckily, Ashley, her assistant was there and put her hands on the singers' shoulders.

"C'mon girl, let's get you to bed." She kissed her friends cheek and walked her up the stairs. She had heard everything from the top of the first set of stairs, closest to the first livingroom and her heart aches for the poor woman in her arms who was so dangerously in love with a man who was taken.

"I fucked up." Stefani cried as she slowly sat into the bed. She laid down and curled up onto her side as Ashley covered her.

"Just give it time babe, you two are meant for each other, you guys will find a way, okay." Ashley kissed her bosses cheek. "Want me to sleep in bed with you?" She asked and Stefani shook her head.

"I just want to be alone." She curled up tighter, she sometimes wanted someone with her but she did prefer to most times be alone, especially when she's sad and Ashley knew it was just one of those times.

"Goodnight Stefi." She made sure she was tucked well and walked out, closing the door behind her, muffling the noise of new sets of sobs.

It had been days since Stefani told Bradley how she felt. In those days Bradley thought of her everyday and if the crush he had on her was him or Jackson. Without realizing him and irons began to contact more, they called each other many times and texted all of the time, something they never did often.

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