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This is the final loves💕

"You ready?" Bradley asked as him and Stefani were backstage, talking some last minute arrangements.

"Yes." Stefani nodded with a smile, looking into his blue eyes. She missed him, although she had seen him almost every day this passed week. After their first private rehearsal it became strictly professional and he almost didn't talk to her if it wasn't about the performance, and it got her wondering why he was doing that. But now she isn't focusing on that. He's acting normal again and they're about to perform for millions.

"Okay, everything looks great. We should go now." Bradley grabbed her hand and they walked out into the crowd again once they knew it was a commercial break. Letting her hand go before the crowd was able to see, mainly Irina. He seen as Stefani slowly lowered her hand back down, and grabbed hold of her own other hand, walking beside him.

"Good luck, bumble B." She said and smirked.

"Good luck, Enigma." He chuckled and didn't take his eyes off of her till they sat back down.

"Everything good?" Irina leaned into him and Bradley nodded.

"Perfect." He smiled and looked over Irina's shoulder quickly at Stefani who was chatting with Natali. He quickly looked back to the stage and seen 3 minutes left till the show continued, his mind wondered. After the first day of rehearsals with Stefani, he felt immediate guilt for loving another woman besides the one right beside him. He distanced himself from Stefani as a reaction to this feelings but it did him no good as it made him feel worse. But the heart wants what it wants, and he's planning to have a talk with Irina soon that will truly talk about them, not like the talks she has with him, mainly telling him to not get too close to Stefani.

The announcement for commercial break to be over came on and he gulped before leaned forward and looking at Stefani, who nodded and gave him the thumbs up. 'This is it man', he said to himself and reached his hand out over Irina to grab hold of Stefani's small hand, they walked up the steps and he sat on the stool as she stood three feet in front of him, placing her hand in her stomach as he sang.

"Tell me something girl." The words effortlessly  came out of Bradley as he sang to her. This had become something so special between them; their love for music will always connect them. Bradley watched her as he sang, watching as the shade of light looked beautiful on her skin, making her glow. Oh he's deep.

Stefani sat down, her fingers grazed over the piano as she began to push the keys. She looked up and locked her eyes with the man she loved as she sang her part, "Tell me something boy." She loved the song, she loved the communication it had between the two.

Bradley watched as Stefani was belting out. He moved along to the melody and as she put so much effort into it he was blown away. Without a second thought, Bradley stood up and moved his mic and made his way to Stefani.

Stefani gulped as she seen him walk to her, 'this wasn't in the plans' she thought but leaned into him was she felt his strong arm around her. They sang the last part and when they finished, Stefani looked at Bradley, tears in her eyes and such a cute grin.

Bradley looked into her eyes, "You're what I'm searching for." He whispered causing her to smile and he helped her stand right after that, they hugged deeply and walked off the stage, their arms around around each other.

"Bradley that was amazing!" She screamed.

"I know." Bradley smiled widely and looked at her, feeling in pure paradise.

But those feelings didn't last long. Soon the night was over and he was back at home with Irina.

"What was that?!" She asked as she threw her purse on the couch.

"It was a performance." Bradley shrugged and put his blazer down.

"Do you think I'm a fool?!" She yelled.

"Irina." He simply said and she put her hands in her hair.

"And you were with her all at the party." She said with a more quiet voice.

"Irina, we need to talk." He said and sat down.

"Damn right we do." She said and sat down, scoffing at him.

"I- I love her, Irina. I don't know how else to say it." He waited for a response but she was silent. "Irina, you're an amazing woman and an amazing mother. Any man would be lucky to have you and I thank you for everything we've gone through, but I can't keep lying to you and this relationship." Bradley grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes. "Please say something." He said and waited. He hated causing any sort of pain to a woman but he needed to tell her how he felt.

"Please go." She whispered and pulled her hand away from his. "I can't do this right now, just go." She said.

Bradley furrowed his eyes, "but Irina, we need to talk about thi-"

"-There's nothing more to talk about Bradley, you love her, go to her, go." She said.

"Really?" He asked and she nodded, clearly holding tears in. "Lea." He whispered, that's all that was needed for her to understand.

"I'm not a fuckin monster Bradley, don't worry about her, she's your baby too." Irina was surprised herself by her own reaction. She expected to feel extremely hurt and angry. Except she felt relief, she won't be able to be happy knowing that the man she was with didn't love her, she was ready to let that go and focus on herself, her career and most importantly her baby girl.

"Thank you." He said and walked out of the house.

Once Stefani got home she sighed, she hated being alone in a huge house, or even a small room, she hated being alone period. She smiled at the remembrance of her win that night and what Bradley told her, she's what he's been searching for. And she felt the same. She took off her dress and heels. Some members of her team should be here any minute to stay the night, they were actually outside but she still felt lonely. She was longing for Bradley's presence and she walked into her kitchen to get a glass of wine.

Stefani heard knocking on the door and rose her eyebrow, no one should have been knocking, they all have a key. She walked to the door and opened it. "Did you lose your ke- Bradley." A smile appeared on her lips as she seen him. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I missed you already." He walked closer and enveloped her into his arms. "And the wait is over." He said before gently pushing his lips against hers.

She let out a breath of relief into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him closer down as she was so much shorter and Bradley chuckled as he picked her up. "You're the cutest." He said and kissed her again, two years of kisses long over do.

"Bedroom." She whispered and he walked inside.

The two laid in bed afterwards, her head on his chest as he gently rubbed her arm. Suddenly Bradley laughed out and Stefani smiled at the vibrations from his chest. She pushed herself up and pecked his lips before asking, "what're laughing about, boy?"

"Music brought us together." He simply said and pulled her down, getting on top of her. "La Vie En Rose, started it all." He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.

"That's right." She ran her fingers over his arms, "well, you're music to my eyes." She winked and giggled as he kissed her neck.

"You're music to my eyes." He smiled and kissed down to her chest, kissing her boob and gently sucking the soft skin causing her to moan, "and those moans are music too." They pair laughed as they got lost in each other once again.

Now, I know this may seem rushed but I hope you still liked it! This was my first go at bradga writing and I got very stuffed in it and didn't enjoy writing it as much as before as my ideas changed so much. But I know have many ideas for fluffy one shots, smutty one shots which you guys like the most 😂 and a nice long one that will cover more and have a bit of every thing fro fluff to smut to drama. So we'll see when I post that but THANK YOU SO MUCH for the response this one got💕 adios 😌

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