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"Bradley." Stefani smiled as she stood on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around Bradley. He wrapped his arms around her waist and dug his face into her neck.

"Stef...I've missed you." He backed up and left his hands on her waist. "I was planning on having lunch with you when I got back but so much came up with the planning for the performance and all." He said and she nodded.

"I missed you too, and that's okay B." She smiled. "Shall we start?" She asked and walked aside to allow him to walk into her house where they'd be rehearsing since she had a beautiful grand piano they could practice at. After she filled two glasses of ice and water for the both of them and a bowl of Lays she sat at her piano stool and Bradley sat on the couch about two feet from the piano.

"What ideas do you have?" she asked as she sipped her water.

"I was hoping you would have some." he smiled and put his glass down on the coaster in front of him, he shifted his body to face her and the sunlight for the sun rising in the morning sky shown directly into the room, hitting the side of his face causing his blue eyes too look a pale blue. Stefani watched him in awe, he was glowing and she felt her insides flutter as she looked into his eyes. She had promised herself not to gawk over him and see him as her friend, professionally, but she couldn't help it, her heart wants him and her brain is listening to her heart.

"Damn, this sun is so bright." he winced and put his hand up to the side of his face to block the light. He had noticed her looking at him, and he himself couldn't stop looking at her, her blonde hair in waves just on her shoulders and her still tired face since it was early in the morning.

"I'll close the curtains." She giggled, pulling herself out of her trance.

"No it's okay." He got up and sat beside her on her piano. "So I had this idea for the whole look of it." Bradley said and they began talking about everything from camera angles to lighting, they always sang from time to time between his explanation. "So the day before we can practice the whole thing on the actual stage."

"That sounds good." She smiled, "are you nervous?" She asked right before her stomach grumbled.

"Are you hungry?" He asked and they chuckled before she stood up and grabbed his hands. She walked in front of him dragging him along and he seen the top of a rose drawn on her back. "Hey, is that your new tattoo?" He asked when they reached the kitchen and she pulled out a container with pasta.

"Yes." She smiled at him and turned on the stove putting a pan on top. "So is this one," she lifted her arm and showed him the music note tattoo on her forearm and he gently grabbed her arm.

"Is it healed yet?" He asked and looked into her eyes causing her to freeze for a second.

"Yeah, they both are." She nodded and looked back down at the tattoo when he did.

"That's really beautiful, Stef." He ran his finger over it, "does it mean anything?" He asked and she nodded.

"You know how I'm getting ready to release a new album, I always tattoo something related to my albums." She explained and pulled her hand out of his grasp to fill the pan with the pasta.

She turned to him again, "it says Gaga." She explained as she put her arm back into his hands. "My best friend who's my manager has it too because it also has the initials 'B C'."

"Wow that's really sweet of you guys to get my initials tattooed." He joked and she giggled stirring the food.

"You feeling left out?" She giggled and he nodded.

"Extremely." He teased as she piled the pasta onto two plates, handing him one. "Thank you." He smiled and they sat at her table.

"Well I didn't forget about you, so don't feel left out." She smiled as placed her hand on his wrist, squeezing gently.

"Oh? You didn't?" He asked and she shook her head.

She stood up, turned around and took off her oversized shirt, she placed the shirt against her breasts covering them, still facing the other way, "the song obviously means a lot to me since we began this journey together." She said and she heard him stand up. "And the rose is for the scene when Jack and Ally first make eye contact." She explained and got goosebumps when she felt his fingertips gently run over the tattoo.

Bradley seen the change in her skin when he touched her, why have I been lying to myself, our happiness is worth it. "You're amazing, Stefani." He said.

"Thank you." She slipped the shirt back on and turned back around, they sat down and continued to eat. "So are you nervous?" She asked again trying to change the subject.

"You know, I feel like I should be." He put his fork down on the empty late, "but, honestly having you there with me- there's no reason for me to be." He looked into her eyes and she smiled.

"I feel the same."

Bradley reached forward and grabbed her hand.

"Bradley, please don't do these sorts of things to me." She gulped and looked away from his eyes holding his fingers tighter.

"What am I doing, Stef?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Making me feel that...that's there's a chance for us" She singled to both him and her, "to be together, and I know already that it can't happen, so please stop this, it hurts." A tear ran down her cheek as she pulled her hand away and put their plates in the sink.

Bradley didn't know what to say but he followed her into the living room and the two looked at each other. "Stefani..." He said and just looked into her eyes. "I'm just scared." He said and looked down.

"Of what, B?" She asked as grabbed his hands, taking him to the couch.

"My reputation. What people would say about me, about Irina, about you." He looked up.

"Your reputation matters more?" She asked as she tilted her head.

"I didn't say that-","But that was the first thing you said." She interrupted him, tears pooling her eyes.

Bradley looked up, "I know Stef, I know." He shook his head, "this is all just, it's all just a mess and I have to think a lot about it because I-I look at you, and you're so beautiful and you make me feel so alive." He kissed her hand, "and Irina knows that somethings up, because I can't stop thinking or mentioning you." He looked into her eyes as a tear fell down her soft cheek. "Don't cry, Stef." His thumbs grazed her cheeks and he pulled her closer.

"I just love you, Brad, and I'll wait for you." She bit her lip and they looked into each other eyes, heat raising between them.

Just then his phone went off and he checked the message, "I gotta go, Lea has a doctors check up." He said and she nodded, walking with him to the door and once again their eyes and body's met, holding into each other. Bradley held her cheeks and placed his forehead against hers, just then her alarm system rung alarming that someone entered the house.

"Stef?" They heard Natali and she gasped when she seen the pair. "I'm always interrupting something aren't I?"

Gaga and Bradley laughed and nodded, "you won't have to wait for long, okay?" He kissed her cheek and began to walk out.

"Bye, Nat!" He said and walked out the house after one last look at Stefani.

"What was that?" Natali asked and Stefani smiled.

"I think he loves me too." She smiled and a tear of joy ran down her cheek.

Skdjdkdhlajd took long enough.

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