beyond life

139 7 0

when I die

at the mercy of self destruction

I will float like rose petals through the air


accompanied with the innocent blow of a child

who holds the petals in their small hands

and softly stretches them out

the wind can embrace them

the wind carries them away


far away

the child watches

maybe I was the child all along

and I gave my soul away

that's why I drift so playfully through the air

with delicacy

I travel in form of a soft breeze

I try telling Her

that it is all right

there is no pain that I feel anymore

there are no walls

no barrieres

only freedom

and soon I become a bird

I sing

as if the entire world could hear me

still floating with the grace of a child

now I am the rain

covering people with wet hugs

I try to reach every inch

of their structured pain

and worries


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