thorn of a rose

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I had the saddest dream last night
I met someone and deeply fell in love
but that person broke me
like he broke my bones
he hurt me so much
to the point where I couldn't even walk
I tried to be forgiving and stayed
I endured
I didn't even cry anymore
I remember carrying this journal with me in my dream
where I collected my thoughts
the hate towards myself
towards the end of my dream he found it
he picked it up and read the pages
for one moment he stopped
and as I was laying there, black and blue
with tired eyes looking up at him
his face transformed
as he was in pain
as he was touched
he looked at me and for one brief moment
his eyes screamed silently
i am sorry
and in that moment I knew
it was him
my self destructive nature
the hate towards myself
that I carelessly wore like a necklace
he was the embodiment of it
hate taking the form of something that was supposed to love me
a split personality
the thorn of a delicate rose
I was supposed to love


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