34 | ready, set, action!

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ready, set, action!

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     Walking down the hallway feels different.

     Instead of everyone looking at me with judgement, they're looking at me in... awe. Staring, even, unabashedly with their mouths opened and phones on. It's a different sight than I'm used to.

     Probably because Jude is next to me, and his hand is firmly on mine.

    "Is it like this everyday?" I murmur to him.

    "This is considered a lazy day," he leans in, chuckling. "Usually I have girls ogling at me or randomly touching my biceps."

     I frown. "Without your consent?"

    "Pretty much."

    "That's not fair."

     He kisses my nose. "You're cute when you don't like the world."

    "Please stop before I have the urge to vomit."

     Jude and I turn to the smooth, almost robotic voice beside us. Trey and Justine are on my other side, and I tilt my head to catch Trey's pained look. But it's not one out of jealousy — it's more like seeing your sister snog your boyfriend. 

     I try biting off my smile.

    "Oh, lay off them, Trey," Justine giggles and pats his chest. "They're just having their honeymoon phase. We had that, remember?"

    "I don't remember us being that mortifying, darling."

    "You were," Jude and I say at the same time.

     Justine giggles again.

     Popularity isn't that bad, I realise. Even facing unpleasant faces becomes bearable when you have the right people beside you. We pass Iris and Yolanda, who give Justine and I the dirty look; Jude's friends, including Finn, who raise their eyebrows at Jude and I's interlocked hands; and Trey's little squad, who pretty much howl at us.

     TJ is the last I pass, and he's leaning against the lockers when he sees us. His smile falters, and I'm almost too satisfied to respond.

     Almost. I give him a mock salute.

     We all meet Liv by her locker, and she's slightly startled as she spots us. She blinks at our figures when we stop in front of her.

    "Is it just me," Liv asks slowly, "or did you guys walk  in slow motion?"

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