:: Spend Money ::

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Rolling copper pennies
Rollling dimes of silver shine
Rolling notes and notes
Green, grey plastic glare
Throw it all away

Notes ripped and pulled
From the banking machine
Colours and figures
Digits and self-worth
Throw it all away

What could you buy
Wallet stuffed
Maybe a note will fly out
And wisp with grace
Down the crusty lane

Just let it fly away
Let the peasants feast tonight
I have more money
Than time
So let all this currency fly

Step inside shops
A sense tingling
You can buy anything
You can buy worthless, useless products
Just because you can
Just so you can say you did

Spend money
Buy millions and millions
On products
No one will Envy
The amount you're wasting

Spend it all
Every last penny
You think you earned
You think you deserved

No matter how much
Is in your bank account
Or how many rubies, sapphires
Diamonds, cars, clothes,
houses, dogs, 3 figure water,
pearls, landmass, hot tubs,
swimming pools, emeralds, jewels
Are in your possession

You'll still never fill
That gaping hole inside


Who's to blame here?

The crushing, narcissistic attitude you possess
Over everything else you have





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