:: Signal Beam Lights ::

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I'm preaching my soul out
In the middle of a dark night
Plagued with my own interpretations
Of all the words I keep hearing

It's the same words
That blow a thick fog
All around

It's dark outside
It's dark inside
It's dark all around
Because you're all around me

A last ditch effort
To save what I know
Before I'm blinded
By all this swirling fog

I scramble frantically
Trying to find a way
A different path
A different approach
Another way around
But nothing can be found

I must rise above it all
To know who I am
But I can't stop falling

Why am I always falling?
I feel like everything I do
Is just a failure

As I battle the fat fog
And find no resolution
Only more and more anger
And more and more detest

And more and more

So I climb up high
Onto a coastal tower
Of heavenly scarlet
I walk and walk
Weak and heavy
But I have to continue
I refuse to live in darkness

I reach the highest peak
And send out signal beam lights
Bright and screaming
Screaming for help
And guidance
As that's all I can wish for now

The light shines
Beaming and wailing
And now I just have to pray
For help to come.

Bonded With Tears (7)Where stories live. Discover now