:: Evil Lingering ::

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Innocent perception
In every human there is decency
There is a glowing ethereal force
Whispering to do what's right
To know that
We are all human
And we should all be nice

It's a happy view, I wish was true
Come arguments, come disagreements
We can realise
That it's pointless
It's just hurting people
It gets to a point
Where we know to stop
Because the whispers become screams
And we walk away
And know our mistakes

Anger whirls around inside
A thunderstorm thick
A wall blocking clear thinking
But the white light we all have
Parts the rain

It's like a magical ball
That grows inside our conscience
That gets stronger and lager
Making us more logical and aware
The more we interact
It's like an AI
always growing and learning
Just like us

But when we look at you
We so no light
Lacerated through the undying vexation
Stabbing your thoughts

It's evil
To have no remorse
No morals that we chose as a society to live by
You can't just deny everyone
Deny their existence
Because you know not to

I could spurt so much anger
That you deserve to hear
But all I'll say
Is that
It's never too late to change
It's your decision
It always is
I can never say you couldn't or you shouldn't
You'll do what you damn well please

But we all have to live on this Earth
And to live not caring, abusive, mean, manipulative all of those wonderful words
Is not living
It's harming.

Nurture your human nature
Rather than destroying it
Because it feels easier
It's a plague
You'll damage so many other minds
Just cause you said it was fine.
Let the light grow
There's always time
We grow through time
I want the best for you
Cause I care
But I know
You never will
So I guess
There's no point

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