{Chapter4} Laurence?

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Y/n:Your name
L/n: Last name
H/l: Hair length
H/c: Hair color
W/t: Weapon type
S/t: Sword type
E/c: Eye color
F/c: Fav color
S/f/c: second Fav color
Italics: Thoughts


I didn't sleep much or at all, I stayed up all night fighting sleep. Like for a second if I close my eyes I will miss something big. So I didn't sleep, I sat at the hill thinking. Until someone came and sat next to me.

"What's on your mind?" There voice was like music.

"It's nothing really..." he knew I was lying.

"It's about Garroth and Zane huh?" He asked.

"Y-Yes" I didn't let any tears out, I sat there emotionless.

"I miss them to sis" at that point I couldn't keep it in and I broke down.

"Why did they have to save the day? Why didn't they just come with us!? I could of done it on my own!!" I hugged the the only brother I had left and cried. Cried because I missed my other ones. Cried because it was my fault there were there. "I can't even think of ways to get them out, I need to get them out"

"Y/n clam down it's okay, we will get them out together" he rubbed my back, I was acting like a child that is scared of the dark.

"Vlday we need to get them out soon" and with that I got rid on my tears and smiled.

"Right!" He got up and I got up with him.

I felt as if it was my job to get them out but I didn't know where to start.

"I am going to ask zoey if she can help me" I looked up at him for anything he only smiled and nodded. And then he left, I didn't know where he was going or why but he left.

"Why are you up so early?" That's why, I looked back to see Laurence standing there looking at me.

"I have a lot on my mind that's all" I smiled at him.

Laurence's POV

The sky was still a bit dark and it was quite.

"I have a lot on my mind that's all" she was lying yes a lot has happen but something else was troubling her.

"You can tell me if it helps" I walked up to her as she stands there emotionless. She looked lost, like she didn't know what else to do.

"It's going to be okay" I hugged her and I felt her tense up. "I will always be here for you" and with that I felt her give in to the hug.

"T-thank you Laurence" she let go but I kept hugging her. She was so perfect and I didn't want anything to hurt her.


"Yes Laurence" she looked up at me.

"I want to be your Guard" she stood there and smiled.

"I don't need a guard anymore but if you want to be you may" and with that I was her guard I wanted to protect her. So I am now and nothing is going to stop me.


"Laurence I need to wake up Aaron and Asher" I said.

"Yeah sorry" he let go and he smiled.

"It's okay I will talk to you later" I hugged
him and walked off, and to my surprise Aaron and Asher where training.

"Morning boys" I ran to them but my dress got in the way and I fell.

"Y/N!" I herd both of them run to me.

I got up slowly and I soon noticed my nose started bleeding.

"Mom are you okay!?" I head Asher ask.

"Yeah I am fine a little blood never hurt anyone" I put my hand to me nose and the blood stopped. "See I am fine"

"Be more care" Aaron said.

"I will l, you guys go back to training I need to speak with zoey" I was about to walk away when Asher hugged me.

"Please be more careful mom" I smiled and hugged him back.

"Okay my child" we both left go and I went up to Aaron and he kissed me. "You boys be care" I waked off to the compound. "I need to get them out"

I walked up to Levin's house and knocked only to have Aphmau open the door. "Hey y/n what can I do for you?" She asked.

"I need to speak with Zoey" I said only to see Zoey come to the door.

"I know why your here the trees told me, you might want to come in" they let me in and we all sat together.

"So you already know what I am going to ask?" I looked at zoey as I sat down.

"Yes but I can't help you the way to get out is hard," she stopped and looked down." I had to give up my immortal" at that's point I understood why, why this will be harder then I thought.

"Why would you do that?" I asked looking at her.

"I have saw life go on and loved ones die I couldn't keep this up and the kids they needed you guys I needed you, it was so hard to raise them" she has tears on her face. I walked up to her and wiped the tears away.

"I understand it's a lot zoey but I am not going to leave them in there, I and going to find a new way" I hugged her." What you did will not be forgotten" I let go and left. It wasn't my place to stay there.

"I been lost for awhile but everyone is coming together slowly"

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